The Obama Administration failed to deliver their promises, for change, progress, equality, and the hope of opportunity for better jobs, the economy, while trying to secure defense borders and protect America internationally, and at home. Meanwhile, "Big Lie" politics spoof a generation, by expressions of allegations, charges, gaffes, propaganda enhanced by an "excellent" marketing plan, blockades to our communications and human rights, generated by hate crimes, and other mean, or ridiculing guerilla tactics, which did cause calamity to our constitutional rights and civil liberties guaranteeing us today life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in our lifestyles. Today, as upheld by the Obama Administration,a double standard of living, as in the Fifties, had kept communities in a false reality, grid-locked in subsistent living, lacking economy, and causing unemployment for most people.
Questions pervade today's 9/11 theories, Al Qaeda, Homeland's domestic troubles, and, "Big Lie" politics, as earlier reported by Thierry Meyssan, French journalist and political activitist in his best known controversial book "9/11: The Big Lie (L'Effroyable Imposture)." Meyssan presented his evidence challenging the official account of the September 11 terrorist attacks. He is noted, according to internet research, as a instrumental catalyst for investigations in to the extreme right wing, (particularly about the National Front Militias, which are currently under investigation by Parliament, which caused a separation of the exreme right wing party), as well as into the Catholic Church. "Zeitgeist," by Peter Joseph, a dramatization on U-Tube's two hour video described myths, historical numerology, the attack by the Vatican influenced Islamic extremists and hokus-pokus against Wall Street and the U.S. economy.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, ironically, was condoned by world leaders, columnists, and critics in the press recently over his allegations and charges about U.S. 9/11 blameworthiness and fraud reporting, here assumably, "Big Lie" propaganda.
Big liars make great business in claiming endorsements of our great way and American values,but Big Liars really spoofed us and the truth about the way it is. For instance, historically the Declaration of Independence, could be at jeopardy for some people. With permission of a clandestine, elitist Guardian society motioning to hold steadfast the supportive environments of many class action people, the Guardians held strong by doing rico to their subjects.
Eminent domain captures, became risky business pursuant to large mail proceedings, bank holdings and other sourcing affairs. Distress and ugliness troubled the forcefully bankrupted entrepreneurs in hostile takeover of the their eminent domain, namely their name, products, and company, by exhorbitant bankers, big developers, and schizo-chauvinist hoarders. The guilt-ridden, paranoid hoarders consistently did treason to control asset-based finance of domain, and wrongfully manage the owners rights, property and even personal belongings.
Author Jim Marrs, in "The Rise of the Fourth Reich," wrote "Hitler was stating that most people are honest and would never tell a great lie; therefore, it is hard for them to believe that anyone — especially an admired leader — would tell one. Marrs complained about the secret societies that threaten to take over America today by financially promoting Nazi terrorisms and propaganda.
The Big Lie, Grobe Luge, is a propaganda technique, initially coined by Hitler in "Mein Kampf," for a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the immpudence to distort the truth so infamously." Hitler believed the technique was used by Jews to unfairly blame Germany's loss in World War I on German Army officer Erich Ludendorff, according to Wikipedia. Hitler accused "the Jews" of what he claimed was their use of the "Big Lie."
"Mein Kampf," exemplary of "Big Lie" propaganda in the Press all over the world, translated from German as "My Struggle," was a best selling political manifesto which, by 1938, it had sold 5.2 million copies, and had been translated into 11 languages.
From research at the Bloomingdale's New York Public Library in Manhattan, and reading the Encyclopedia Brittanica, Hitler thought it necessary for Germans to become occupied with the care for the purity of their own blood. Hitler ascribed international significance to the elimination of Jews, which "must necessarily be a bloody process, " he wrote.'''
The second volume, written after Hitler's release from prison in 1924, outlines the political program, including the terroristic methods, that "National Socialism had to pursue both in gaining power and exercising it thereafter in the new Germany."
Hitler's literary style, was quoted as repetitious, wandering, illogical, and in the first edition at least, criticized for being filled with grammatical errors, all reflecting a "half-educated man," as reported by the Brittanica Encylopedia.
The Nazi "Big Lie" propaganda published in major newspapers thoroughout the Western Hemisphere, Europe, and Asia, reported about the genocide and annihilation of more than six million Jews, and other people in what "startled" many countries, world leaders, and established governments bringing on a World War I and World War II.
Earlier Nazi predecessor, the Prussian, German, Otto Bismarck, known as, the "Iron clad," Chancellor of the German Empire, 1871-90, orchestrated wars to achieve his end — a unified Germany, fighting against France, Denmark, Austria-Hungary and Russia. Bismarck's Reich restricted democracy, and the anti-Catholic, and anti-Socialist legislation left a distrust and fragmented Germany.
As reported, "Big Lie" scenarios in the internet's Wikipedia, later, Joseph Goebbels masterminded politics and strategy, which came to be more commonly associated with the expression "big lie." Goebbels wrote the following paragraph in an article dated 12 January 1941, 16 years after Hitler's first use of the phrase "big lie," titled "Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik" and translated "From Churchill's Lie Factory." It was published in Die Zeit ohne Beispiel.
That is of course rather painful for those involved. One should not as a rule reveal one's secrets, since one does not know if and when one may need them again. The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.
A Hitler Exhibition in Berlin, Germany as stated in an article in the "New York Times," in October 16, 2010, at the German Historical Museum told, "they emphasize the everyday way the ordinary Germans once accepted, and often celebrated Hitler." The exhibit explored a"wider circle of German guilt."
George Orwell's novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four" refers to the "Big Lie" theory in reviews about society on several occasions, as cited in these two examples: “The key-word here is blackwhite. Like so many new "pat-words," this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Secondly, to tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed...."
Confronting "Big Lie" propaganda today, holds a firm grip to the cruelness of life, really hidden from the owners, held-up in a vacuum, owith non-egalitarian status quo. The conduct by the Government and its leaders, filled with malign treasons, hatreds, and criminal conducts comparable to the same Hitler practices which Jim Marrs talks about in "The Rise of the Fourth Reich" as the"elite" societies with their specific companies, and their empowered chief executives.
Obama's Organizing America and other grassroots outreach programs accepts the "Big Lie," and its propaganda to motivate the people to work real hard, to go on with one's life, rather than to correct, fix, repair, improve, and change, a delinquent society, Economy, and government to serve the people. The integrity of the Government-run people, as Organizing America, the Obama Administration's advocates, now has been disillusioned about concerns, issues and crimes against humanity, whiplashing hatreds, violence, and terrorisms, even derived from simple criteria as mail, phones, emails, banking, and the other pandemic community problems such as Skypes, Vonage, surveillance overkill, and deterrence. Other "Big Lie" politicians have spoofed a generation's usage by "Newspeak": soft sell intimidation tactics, connocting happy talk, , marketing plans with hype and special in-style words, intended to cover-up their top secrets with the elite societies, while producing crimes as a mechanism to get ahead and hold the command of the unit. Other psychological political games like anonymous sourcings, arson-driven, or snake filled, militia-driven pogroms, and with grid-lock to better manage its clients, Americans, their companies, and others.
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