Sunday, October 31, 2010

"Big Lies" Politics Spoof with Impact Like Hitlerisms

Criminal Use Employed the "Elite" Societies

The Obama Administration failed to deliver their promises, for change, progress, equality, and the hope of opportunity for better jobs, the economy, while trying to secure defense borders and protect America internationally, and at home. Meanwhile, "Big Lie" politics spoof a generation, by expressions of allegations, charges, gaffes, propaganda enhanced by an "excellent" marketing plan, blockades to our communications and human rights, generated by hate crimes, and other mean, or ridiculing guerilla tactics, which did cause calamity to our constitutional rights and civil liberties guaranteeing us today life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in our lifestyles. Today, as upheld by the Obama Administration,a double standard of living, as in the Fifties, had kept communities in a false reality, grid-locked in subsistent living, lacking economy, and causing unemployment for most people.

Questions pervade today's 9/11 theories, Al Qaeda, Homeland's domestic troubles, and, "Big Lie" politics, as earlier reported by Thierry Meyssan, French journalist and political activitist in his best known controversial book "9/11: The Big Lie (L'Effroyable Imposture)." Meyssan presented his evidence challenging the official account of the September 11 terrorist attacks. He is noted, according to internet research, as a instrumental catalyst for investigations in to the extreme right wing, (particularly about the National Front Militias, which are currently under investigation by Parliament, which caused a separation of the exreme right wing party), as well as into the Catholic Church. "Zeitgeist," by Peter Joseph, a dramatization on U-Tube's two hour video described myths, historical numerology, the attack by the Vatican influenced Islamic extremists and hokus-pokus against Wall Street and the U.S. economy.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, ironically, was condoned by world leaders, columnists, and critics in the press recently over his allegations and charges about U.S. 9/11 blameworthiness and fraud reporting, here assumably, "Big Lie" propaganda.

Big liars make great business in claiming endorsements of our great way and American values,but Big Liars really spoofed us and the truth about the way it is. For instance, historically the Declaration of Independence, could be at jeopardy for some people. With permission of a clandestine, elitist Guardian society motioning to hold steadfast the supportive environments of many class action people, the Guardians held strong by doing rico to their subjects.

Eminent domain captures, became risky business pursuant to large mail proceedings, bank holdings and other sourcing affairs. Distress and ugliness troubled the forcefully bankrupted entrepreneurs in hostile takeover of the their eminent domain, namely their name, products, and company, by exhorbitant bankers, big developers, and schizo-chauvinist hoarders. The guilt-ridden, paranoid hoarders consistently did treason to control asset-based finance of domain, and wrongfully manage the owners rights, property and even personal belongings.

Author Jim Marrs, in "The Rise of the Fourth Reich," wrote "Hitler was stating that most people are honest and would never tell a great lie; therefore, it is hard for them to believe that anyone — especially an admired leader — would tell one. Marrs complained about the secret societies that threaten to take over America today by financially promoting Nazi terrorisms and propaganda.

The Big Lie, Grobe Luge, is a propaganda technique, initially coined by Hitler in "Mein Kampf," for a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the immpudence to distort the truth so infamously." Hitler believed the technique was used by Jews to unfairly blame Germany's loss in World War I on German Army officer Erich Ludendorff, according to Wikipedia. Hitler accused "the Jews" of what he claimed was their use of the "Big Lie."

"Mein Kampf," exemplary of "Big Lie" propaganda in the Press all over the world, translated from German as "My Struggle," was a best selling political manifesto which, by 1938, it had sold 5.2 million copies, and had been translated into 11 languages.

From research at the Bloomingdale's New York Public Library in Manhattan, and reading the Encyclopedia Brittanica, Hitler thought it necessary for Germans to become occupied with the care for the purity of their own blood. Hitler ascribed international significance to the elimination of Jews, which "must necessarily be a bloody process, " he wrote.'''

The second volume, written after Hitler's release from prison in 1924, outlines the political program, including the terroristic methods, that "National Socialism had to pursue both in gaining power and exercising it thereafter in the new Germany."

Hitler's literary style, was quoted as repetitious, wandering, illogical, and in the first edition at least, criticized for being filled with grammatical errors, all reflecting a "half-educated man," as reported by the Brittanica Encylopedia.

The Nazi "Big Lie" propaganda published in major newspapers thoroughout the Western Hemisphere, Europe, and Asia, reported about the genocide and annihilation of more than six million Jews, and other people in what "startled" many countries, world leaders, and established governments bringing on a World War I and World War II.

Earlier Nazi predecessor, the Prussian, German, Otto Bismarck, known as, the "Iron clad," Chancellor of the German Empire, 1871-90, orchestrated wars to achieve his end — a unified Germany, fighting against France, Denmark, Austria-Hungary and Russia. Bismarck's Reich restricted democracy, and the anti-Catholic, and anti-Socialist legislation left a distrust and fragmented Germany.

As reported, "Big Lie" scenarios in the internet's Wikipedia, later, Joseph Goebbels masterminded politics and strategy, which came to be more commonly associated with the expression "big lie." Goebbels wrote the following paragraph in an article dated 12 January 1941, 16 years after Hitler's first use of the phrase "big lie," titled "Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik" and translated "From Churchill's Lie Factory." It was published in Die Zeit ohne Beispiel.

That is of course rather painful for those involved. One should not as a rule reveal one's secrets, since one does not know if and when one may need them again. The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.

A Hitler Exhibition in Berlin, Germany as stated in an article in the "New York Times," in October 16, 2010, at the German Historical Museum told, "they emphasize the everyday way the ordinary Germans once accepted, and often celebrated Hitler." The exhibit explored a"wider circle of German guilt."

George Orwell's novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four" refers to the "Big Lie" theory in reviews about society on several occasions, as cited in these two examples: “The key-word here is blackwhite. Like so many new "pat-words," this word has two mutually contradictory meanings. Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Secondly, to tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed...."

Confronting "Big Lie" propaganda today, holds a firm grip to the cruelness of life, really hidden from the owners, held-up in a vacuum, owith non-egalitarian status quo. The conduct by the Government and its leaders, filled with malign treasons, hatreds, and criminal conducts comparable to the same Hitler practices which Jim Marrs talks about in "The Rise of the Fourth Reich" as the"elite" societies with their specific companies, and their empowered chief executives.

Obama's Organizing America and other grassroots outreach programs accepts the "Big Lie," and its propaganda to motivate the people to work real hard, to go on with one's life, rather than to correct, fix, repair, improve, and change, a delinquent society, Economy, and government to serve the people. The integrity of the Government-run people, as Organizing America, the Obama Administration's advocates, now has been disillusioned about concerns, issues and crimes against humanity, whiplashing hatreds, violence, and terrorisms, even derived from simple criteria as mail, phones, emails, banking, and the other pandemic community problems such as Skypes, Vonage, surveillance overkill, and deterrence. Other "Big Lie" politicians have spoofed a generation's usage by "Newspeak": soft sell intimidation tactics, connocting happy talk, , marketing plans with hype and special in-style words, intended to cover-up their top secrets with the elite societies, while producing crimes as a mechanism to get ahead and hold the command of the unit. Other psychological political games like anonymous sourcings, arson-driven, or snake filled, militia-driven pogroms, and with grid-lock to better manage its clients, Americans, their companies, and others.

Ellen J. Katzen © Pending.
All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

"Breakthrough — Father, 'Coming Back' Again...!"

Rasputin's Debauchery with Interns in a Re-union

This commemoration, saga and mystery of the personal, professional lifetime history about my late Father, has reflections, of Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, sweeping to King George II, or King George III, while "traveling through the times," and "coming back" home again in a re-union with harps, bows, and violins, flutes, and violas, in lovely orchestrations, originated for some of us similar to tuning into a Gershwin's repetoire, or a notable Bach or Brahms lullaby. However, things went differently for us.

A special envoy to Spain,and diplomat for Israel, while in his lifetime, Dad, a great companion, mentor at work in medicine guided us in our Way for our Country, from the end of World II, to the day he died. During his comeback "Raymond," found his houses burned down, with mounting FINRA cases piled on the Bush calendar, killings against his family, kin, and associates, which destroyed the harmony among his family, and its Estate. Violent crime disregarded and crashed most his teachings in medicine, radiology, surgery, and jurisprudence had been the destructive path by current surgery team, staff, and hoodlums by their violent crimes. Realizing his pathway in his roots may be still "up for grabs," by family members, although he had been realized to be "brilliant," extraordinary, "top doctor,"teacher, professor, Judge, in medicine, law, the classics, and literature to many colleagues, family, friends, and, others.

President Abraham Lincoln masterminded the freedom of the United States from slavery and racial inequalities, during the American Civil War, with the command of the Union Army led by General Ulysses S. Grant, who defeated the Confederacy with a volunteer Army in a series of battles leading to the Confederacy's surrender on April 9, 1865, by Confederate Army General Robert E. Lee at the Appomattox Courthouse. The Appomattox treaty signed by General Grant and General Robert E. Lee ended the tumultuous Civil War in United States history.

The article based on a true story, about 'Father' had been a realization, for an Addendum, proposed to follow-up in a book, titled "Breakthrough, about, the nurturing philanthropic, helpful, Mother, Sadona Friedman, and her Life, within the context of a first-time comeback, after forty years of living, again, unbeknownst to m, and, as a secret discovery to all of us. Years, after her second life, she died while living at the San Remo in New York City. Findings uncovered my Father died around 1954, aimlessly during a Civil Rights crisis on the lawn, for "racial integration," equality rights, and better money, at his mansion in Melrose Park, PA, around the time of the Brown v. Board of Education case. Mrs. Ruth Mentor, house manager, cook, practical nurse, domestic helper, and somewhat outspoken, got liberty of things to buy her house in Southwest Philadelphia. Mrs. Ruth Mentor groomed me during my upbringing, when my parents' were absent.

Therefore, an adopted father, for "Ray," so-named purportedly, "Jim,"and others, former President of Israel, Ben Gurion, Ramon Ortiz, Spanish attorney and diplomat, Jack Bouvier, lawyer, stood in ,at different times, and took command to hold the family together with the mother, Sadona Friedman, while in her forties, and later Louis Auchincloss filled in with Florence. Some of the prolific antique wedding pictures, in the collection of antique heirloom quality photographs predominantly by late Louis Friedman, really did depict the bachelor team of six men, one including Churchill, Raymond Massey, and Ray Burr, in posh Gershwin's celebrity style. After, Sadona's death in January 1965, occurred in a divorcing argument which caused a car accident gloom took over in her absence. Florence Shapiro stepped in to manage the house, following the introduction by Murray Shusterman, attorney for them, for the later years, as step mother, bringing her family -- the Blumenthals. Post- war feelings and repercussions did occur from William H. Rehnquist, yearning as Sociology professor of mine, while experiencing the Sixties and Seventies.

Meanwhile, lessons learned here could initiate better platforms and methodology for re-incarnates to exist better with their families, and kindred in Life. Unfinished business, and lingering with the kin, in the current life could be encouraged more, not just a "blink," and forgetting the negativity endured like dwelling on the past problems. Destroying Estates and property really should not be motives by managements, or those in charge at high Government levels.

The "breakthrough" about the comeback of Dad in this "passage" came to me as a "blink" at Starbucks locations on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, NY twice, first, nearby Fordham Unviversity Law School, and then later after a fall nearby the U.S. Post OffIce at RAdio City Station. And, I am told a 'comeback," cannot relate in time to a earthling being as myself.

An antidote, "Coming Back," published in 1983 by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Pabhupada educates beginners in Hare Krishna and Zen about Hindu reincarnation methods for reading to understand life and "coming back," now with religion, life extension, and medicine.

Telecommunications, on "CIPAV," "Oasis," and other apparatus, in a mean, friendly environment, had organized a tremendous frolicking, sensationalism among militia friends to pursue the caduceus, as known as, a battle of wits, sweeping in the earlier historical Battles of Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775, between the King George III, led by Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith with 700 British soldiers fought by John Parker with his 500 minutemen, at North Bridge, historically, during the beginning of the American Revolutionary War.

People just can't get through to the decision-makers any longer due to "CIPAV," or "Oasis" telecommunications block by the hoodlums, now want to be doctors, experts, or engineers. When one comes back to Life, the connection, and networking could be better.

Prior to the reign of King George III, "Ray" had been ignored and cast, exclusively as a Moses of his lifetime; yet, folks forgot his impact role as the prominent King George II in interpretation by sources. Historically, later in a comeback evidently, he had been adopted and came to be known to us as, "Tipsy," (but earlier founded in feuds over the thrones of King George I and King George II), the Anglo-American Battle of 1812 challenged his rule for a number of reasons due to restrictions, although with the need for a Regency in 1811, and with Prime Minster Perceval's assassinated, then replaced by Lord Liverpool. Consequently, the Naval battle and blockade swept extensive fires and arsons against most of England and Ireland, and later Washington D.C. had been burned by a major British raid.

Dancing the thrones from Richard I, King of England, in 1189 vanquishing parts of France, as Duke of Normandy, Aquitaine, Gascony, to 1480 for a brief reign possibly in Richard III, sweeping to the dramatic throne of Henry VIII, in 1509, for lavishing three wives, and, in four years, left him an aspiring Opera enthusiast this lifetime, for fine classical times. Napoleonic imagery depicted him from 1805-1815 on battle fronts through history, even his lifetime, as a Veteran from the World War II, stationed in Normandy.

The caduceus arguments by some, herewith, had been witnessed by the sweeping purge and arson cases of complex "hate crimes," in the Philadelphia and Jersey areas against us, as a people, with wealth, history, dignity, labor, homes, offices, and Estates: the arsons really portray your government and laws against us in our pursuit of the American Way and Ethics as described by our founding Fathers and Mothers of this Great country. As he Witnessed, the late, father in his "coming back" home again, re-union, found horrors at his homes, and offices, which you've done by meanness, selfishness, cruelty, in cognitive psychotic behavior, in a terrible presentation to him about your negativity to Hippocratic healing and caduceus laws instilling killing, in particular his family, and friends. We now fear our safety, even in our homes, and privacy at risk, only to become disgusted with the way things happened. Many folks got licensed, leaving others behind. Hoodlums and guardian advocates blocked results to larcen, and "rob results" for their benefit creating a mess in medicine, and law.

Presently, foreseeably, a new breakthrough, then, ignored, had been the re-unions expected with my late father: a renowned, great brilliant, doctor, workaholic, a native Philadelphian, World War I, and II Army veteran, five star General, a challenging, driving, director, doctor and father, even of Ben Franklin nature in "identities," a former Attorney General in 1948-52, and with Eisenhower later, promoted to chief radiologist, of the Radiology department for five major metropolitan hospitals, a popular, benevolent, physician, dermatologist, general practioner, surgeon, high school Valedictorian, evidently, one of the Nobels in 1970 for medical literature, then a U.N. special envoy to Spain, verified as diplomat, professor in law and medicine 1952-58, managing editor for a major daily newspaper, motion picture director, U.S. Coast Guard endorsed yachtsman, a friendly golfer, and a great friend to many, and companion of Florence's and her family. The prominent physician, prestigiously, battled by so many gangsters badgering him for political attention, barring matters, or even medical practices, combatted death and homicidal attacks several times in the stress at his medical practice, at his home and apartment, but he managed to recover his well-being.

Never would I see him again, duped, after watching his coffin lay, in the "Name of My Father " flick, after 60 or more days in Intensive Care unit, in 1981 at Einstein Hospital, in Philadelphia, PA, that he may still be alive in his soul after years of crying my eyes out with tears, and the many memorial candles burning with prayers asking for his forgiveness only to have to endure loneliness without a real family.

Pray daily for your life and existence to improve, and make peace. Look inward to your deceased mother, or father, brothers, and sister, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, and kin, , as a cure to trauma in your day. Remembering your loved ones for ten minutes a day as if they were with you for the moment in their travels in the heavens, and galaxy, and to come back to us in time, may be a nice ritual in prayer, as my father taught me.

Upon the death of my dear father, the world shook. Family and friends, took advantage of things on the Estate. Awry matters did occur, and the lawyers, meanly with Murray Shusterman, Honorable, tipped Marilynne, an executor of the Will, primarily, for the settlements leaving me in dire conditions. Miles, did sell the office, where a small benefit got to me. Ryan, and Ron Rosenberg, and later New YOrk ombudsman, Mark Green, rudely played a game of the communist became the capitalist, in a Red Scare, and the capitalist had to be turned into communism for survival by forcing on severe gridlocked conditions. Almost like the European Union today.

I recognized my father influenced me on how to be an accomplished person; and, whatever idiosyncrasies he had, were minor. Ray kindly and gently in his soft spoke manner affected compassionately his clients, and patients to bring in wealth fulfillment to everyone involved in a nice way.

I see him today in reflections of other relatives and other kin, living in soul and embody of what he expected the truth, the way, the prosperity, the wealth, America and the world to mission upon as his Guiding Light out of the Book of Moses.

What we have been missing were — he and my mother, and, much later Florence. I described in the passage the greatness of my deceased mother in the book "Breakthrough/Breakthru,' or, "How To Get Along," whom evidently lived more than forty years longer than her announced death.

In his absence, the laws and government went awry, by wrongdoers, taking advantage — creating violence, hate crimes, counter-terrorisms, misery, blasphemy, and famines in disguise of medicine, law, jurisprudence and productive business. Mass torts, cruelty, slavery, and how to be compatible with crimes, were spoofed as okay. Sorcery, witchcraft, drinking blood, with bribes took flight of many homes and buildings to fire and ashes.

If we had my real father here today, a "Adolph Ochs" or a "Leo Gershwin," identity described in my eulogy, the doctor, Army General, judicial reviewer, or Medical Board examiner, he analytically would have taken action quickly and professionally what's become a horror, which is why you've been a great loss to us as a Public or family.

Comparable to the Battle of Britain in 1940, in the treasonful attack of the motherland country, destroying property, jobs, opportunity, by today's standards,of living, bigots, Orthodoxy, staunch chauvinists, extremists, KKK extremism, impune medieval henchman, prostitutes, drug addicts, a wild convicts, and other vagrant types ruined us with their plans to do blockades and heists by the strategic out-sourcing in the Battle of the England targeted against the U.S. The credibility of the owners were lacking and permissions not granted for the accoutrements and personal gains, according to this translator. The so-called bigots got away with murderous torts resulting in owner losses due to their continuous exclusions, which allowed the Trebelinka affect to continue.

As the people are crying out, with compassion, for kin, trying to reach us in our mail property, money, with Probate, and Estate matters, the world leaders, U.S. Senators, Congress, and Chief Executive Officers had ignored the grief, in this great battle against the owners and their Homeland, which were held up captive in their homes and offices in a Treblinka environment for years, locked out entirely of their labor, habeased, from accoutrements, again, for years. Only until recently the Treblinka Rescue plan for areas like Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, Haiti, Rwanda, Sudan, or troubled areas affected by Katrina, Sandy Hurricane, 9/11, and even those caught in their workoholic bungled, grind condition, due to mass torts and liabilities from impunity, corruption, and communisms, too, had been produced apparently by experts for rescue. But very few got really rescued financially, physically, or in well being.

The Doctor and his victors succeeded before in repairing negotiations of the past, which we failed to day, as men and women, with racial integration, gayness, and sexual equality today. The financial reformers doomed Society and the people, as well, in the seizure of their property underground and sub-surface even while we await our results today. Catcalls about destroying the property of the owners, smashed it, or demolished the precious things, which were ordered by a few of the Commander in Chiefs.

Why no one really transcended the reality of rekindling with kin, reincarnates, and aliens, and other space beings really required more attention. Why no one said — there's your late, Dad, go talk to him, meet up with him, for he needs some friends, money, or a new living. The cruelty of "coming back" home again to find roving arsonists, armed convicts, and terrorists aiming fire virtually at the homes, and properties our family resided and worked in for a long time, announced to me, the need for patience, detente, psyche medicines, and healings over the controversy of rights.

Why did the rainy day personality of Rasputin's hostile killers, or negative frauds, as interns now threatened our lives and livelihoods only to be cool, had gotten the Officials' okays, approving their coolness, as experts of the land, America, the free, with liberty, and justice for all. Or, with the medical training, like a Mark Twain "home-schooled" style, figuratively, with mixed up diagnosis like malaria as cirrhosis, or scurvy mistaken like hepatitis C, we've allowed them to preside, motion on orders, and mail belongings.

In admiration of my father, for his series high A's, 92 to 100, and one B, an 88, grades in medical school, I envied him in his brilliant, sane, cognitive intelligence, and dashing balance, for his excellence had diagnosed, conquered sickness, saved, cured so many people in his lifetime, getting patients out of wheel chairs, and helping them walk again, not putting them in a guardian of sickness with blasphemous indentures, or casts.

Personally, Dad detested in 1963 Philly's attorney and retired pro-baseball club pitcher, Mike Schmidt and others by their approach with the motions of the "crutches," and the defense trials constantly threatening public and me, as a notary public,to launch a possible guardian noose outlined in their"dirty papers." For these attorneys ignored the freedoms of the U.S. Constitution and its rights, even founded in Dad's lessons to them in law and jurisprudence.

Mr. Giuliani, Dr. Maurice R. Markewich, then an aspiring student,with Mr. Schmidt, and Ms. Silly Simba then in 1974 and 1976 in defense, including homicides, control of money, or coercion, contempt, at Edelsteien's law office, his Will attorney, forced barring technicalities. The guardian attorneys and guardian advocates launched a business of "dirty papers," with real names, and destroyed reputations in defense papers that omitted the capable from hearings, to be "construed" as disparaged and denied rights entirely. To blame had been terms of bankruptcy, homicides, or, debt collection.

Judge De Hoop, a Black woman, from Hitler's day, did project massive misery for the remainder of her lifetime, blocking the labor and human rights arguments between males versus females, or the sexes, while holding onto the gain in Race relations, with young adults, and ethnics. De Hoop illegally leveraged in motion entirely for the Race relations to continue with exuded freedoms and promotions, excluding women even at hearings. Women are work much more and get much less, with respect to their property, ownership, rights, and the reign of rule in government.

The charges against now an offensive il consortium, tipped by charges of arsons, mass murders, genocides, rapes, human trafficking, hate crimes and mass torts and liabilities even with "sweltering serpents," obviously could implicate what defendant stockbroker, manager, Bernard Madoff's sentence had been of 150 years penal, incarceration orders, in a trial presided by Judge Denny Chin, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Consequently, there was dramatic interpretive judicial "polarization" in Court hearing's based on U.S. Court of Appeals Court, Third Circuit in Philadelphia. Judge Anthony Scirica's senior judicial results and opinion during the pre-trial motions and meetings, in a high court Civil proceedings leniently left everything go for many wild hoodlums. In summary, the penal charges could be severe, for active misconduct. What Judges look for probably would more positive moments to bring closure for asset-based finance to be achieved, and for the kin to enjoy the rest of their lives.

Extremely admired, icon, great Father, in our memories Ulysses S. Grant, and "traveling through his history of time, now did mandate immediate settlements for many of us in litigation, or, otherwise, lingering could produce more doom in retaliation due to arrests.///

All Rights Reserved © Ellen Joyce Katzen.
Registered Copyright 2010 (Pending).

Ellen J. Katzen
, now is pending author of a non-fiction book titled "Breakthrough." She reported during the 1990's from her midtown apartment in New York, while news gathering, and collected information from years of research developments, which she literally produced a non-fiction development book. The "Breakthrough," book described five episodes about interesting, inventive developments in scientific discovery, and later focused on her mother in a journey towards Enlightenment. Ironically, the breakthrough originally foreseen to happen, became evident as her late mother appeared, a very beautiful, awesome moment, who, I encountered living and alive for only two minutes in a meeting in the salon at the Congregation Habonim. Here, the above aforementioned are a series of events about the Father's (as known as Orson's best friend) comeback, and his witness of coming home again and the re-union among a few close contacts to him and all the occurrences which occurred to him and his estate matters. Although, Ms Katzen hardly appeared in the "Breakthrough" motion picture pending, (which was different from the book), "Breakthrough," with Kelsey Kirkland, Ellen Stapleton, undisclosed, Gene and Joan Halev, and other stars, due to rivalry and controversy. Herewith the new episodes has the father's returning, which may be reflected in a California Suite styled and formated movie development titled tentatively "Coming Back Suite." The sadness prevalied so many years, and lingered in my memories of my great dear Father, that later I realized several people died, under his name.

Footnote: Noted several non-fiction books contained in this text, Wikipedia, on line the American Dictionary, famous quotations, and other resources. This author influenced in literary work by reading articles, newspapers, broadcast television, and magazines for internet release, and publication in newspapers and magazines upon the rights of our signed approvals.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Publishing Single Serial Issue Literature With Ease

In a fight of the caduceus, while considering the mass marketing of a collection of a hardcover books, for consumer, and other trade authored books, literary articles, serial single issue literature for internet blogs on the worldwide web; sad, news initiated a criminal "investigation" by the "chauvinistic male factor" about, surrounding a possible homicide and the crime unit at the scene. This did follow slaughter to a U.S. Government Officer and an agent in the Office of the President of Copyrights. A burial today, tomorrow and next Tuesday of the attackers will take place resulting from their ridiculing controversy at the Office of Copyrights in Washington, D.C at a local University.

A Washingtonian, Honorable Grace, presided Thursday, with a "she can 'do-it,' 'fix-it,' and "win-for-all" attitude," with affirmative action goals oriented for yuppie readers in Government.

During this segue, a rampage took place by actors, actresses, and social service aides holding up signs showing "Mixed Blessings," to the Washington Capitol, for condemnation of Judge Esther Burke and the other peaceful aspirants in the Courts. The White House became a tour for the mentally ill aides and homeless dwellers looking for refuge and sanctity from Dr. Burke's family affairs.

Today, recovery will be efforted pursuant to the multiple deadly assaults, and updates made to the copyrights of this serial single issue literature now on the worldwide web. Gangsters brutally injured the leg and arm of the literary expert of the Register of Copyrights to attempt to sabotage the rights for the two aliens, a KGB agent — a terrible lawyer and diplomat with his daughter, Carol, fraudulent lawyer, and Austrian' agents. More than 50 copyrights written by this author from 1991 in non-fiction educational books, titled, "Breakthrough," "Talking Allowed, Outloud, Aloud, The Voice Workout," today known as "Telephony," or "Dialectical Thinking," "Identities: Traveling Through The Time," "Method Law: How to Build Your Own Government," from a German publishing house with offices in New York, were obstructed in faxing by Prince Ambert, a fraud, now escapading as behemoth in war crimes in publishing for grandeur, hatreds, rebuttals, scorn, and vindication for him, with his lovely Consort, and his hostile family.

The first popular authored manuscript with interviews and articles by renowned analysts, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, and historians, "Mind's Eye: Fact or Fiction," along with "Method Law: How To Build Your Own Government," and another forthcoming venture were picked up by New York's Random publisher.

Meanwhile, controversy over this person's mail property, business, matters, deeds and actions, and with expert community mail property in Manhattan, New York, and its contents had spewed overnight, while a judicial authority on the Upper West side, NY negotiating with two or three alien representatives from the State, City and Federal agencies negotiated its ownership. In negotiations Chief Attorney, Joe Leiber,and Mark Katzerelli, J.D., of Willed Attorneys talked of criminally insane harsh words, nasty comments, and statements, if settlements weren't made his way, or else in the struggle for the rights of the property.

Young bartenders, cocktail waitresses, and restauranteurs, a leading Presidential candidate, and sons, pilfered mail results from the owners in Radio City, NY along with Washingtonian Sargent Abbbott of the the Impoverished America Programs, and with other Senatorial and cancer expert Harry Sloan, and Congressional leader Emily Visconti abjecting to the recipients getting their property soon.

The prestigious German, Machberg Publishing claimed the copyrights the author's, and the claimant, the publishing house, as par. However, the Austrian' Catholic family obstructed the ownership for demands of their nepotism by the removed sister, and control of assets, whereby the author feuded desperately to dump the family for non-essential reasons and dangerous torts. The 150 copyrights were tampered by the Klaus Liebl family, and the Austrian Society won the respectable publishing notations in house for him.

New York Officials at three key offices: the Ombudsman, the District Attorney, the U.S. Attorney were contacted, Wednesday, for charges considered libelous in their "dirty papers" from an ex parte dating back to 1993 and finalized in 2001, today, out of statutes in laws for copyright and publication purposes. Other reckless ridiculing Deputy Mayoral crimes and comments from Rudi Gee, deputy Mayor, and staff attorney Silly Simba, Esq. became issues, although Simba and her agents filed at the Office of Copyrights her tainted, "dirty" papers, with derogatory remarks.

Speed publisher and desktop publishing magnet, Ned Polo, with his recent wife and editorial designer, Karoline Frauzeile, and associate vice president of publishing, Todd Letterman, purged records from the New YOrk mail rooms, and, took off to Washington D.C. to converse with Marquis Liebl, presided by Honorable Grace at the law firm of the deceased great Uncle King Cyrus. Polo, Frauzeile, and Letterman confronted a KGB agent, fraud lawyer, Mark Katzerelli; computer expert, Ryan Lerman; businessman, Jay Katzen, with his kin, Al Katzie; and sister Marie Katzie. Banter, turned into post-humorous clashes, and hate with stabbings and bloodshed, of the sister and brother, while escorting the million dollar publishing magnate, Ned Polo, withheld, due to his deadly attacks, still hateful about the slaughtering of his lovely wife, Karoline Frauzeile, then he later returned to work sneering about the ordeal.

On separate developments, the New York publisher, Machberg, claimed total ownership of all her book properties with editorial collective rights, excluding the author as incompetent again, or discharged for grounds of laziness with her staff. Plagiarism charges were ignored. Infringements, prevalent thefts, forgeries of properties were rampantly acceptable resolving conflicts at the Vatican, and the United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany's Royalty Registry, to La Hague's International Courts, The Strand Courts, the U.S. Supreme Court, High Courts, and other Magistrates all over the world.

Unconfirmed reports today surround the whereabouts of the literary frauders, which one is dead or alive, from the law hearings in D.C.

May Peace be with you in your missions, according to our prayers, initiated by Esther Burke, Surrogate Court retiree. The fight of caduceus continued for the sake of "healing."

Ellen J. Katzen
All Rights Reserved 2010©
Pending Copyright

Monday, August 9, 2010

Dr. Fan Does Not Deserve

Today, a wild group of hoodlums air lifted buckets of "sweltering serpents," to attack parts of Israel, the Gaza, Saudia Arabia, and areas in the Mideast. Six Dr. Fans actively participated, witnessed, and threw snakes off board the airplane in the global snake attacks, which may even become motion picture developments later as a James Bond episode, Mel Gibson production, or a "Kill Bill" series.

Eyeball slashes, or gougings, brain blowouts, and beheadings were grossly unacceptable "crimes against humanity," hereby, the Geneva Convention and Accords need to prevail for litigants to endure. Communications are fundamental human rights, and, disclosure needs to continue in a reasonable amount of time for our sanity. Dr. Fan stopped all communication and only allowed her family of associates to attend or participate affairs. On another note, "gang-busters" sex relations "disgustingly" grossed out highly last weekend for associates.

Meanwhile, the hoodlums re-visited the old neighborhood where I grew up in Melrose Park, PA, and tried to act out scenes, including blowing up, exploding, or destroying the property in the backyard, and nearby the garage, (nearly almost a house), and adjacent neighbor's yard and garage. Dr. Fan was there for the excitement and the possibility of seeking funds, heirlooms and legal attention.

Court room hearings, allegations, and charges surfaced continouosly for the past two months about controversial actions and developments recently in the United States, and in a colluded effort the Courts hired a team of analysts, considered downright awful, if not treasonful.

A very ill intriguing psychiatric team, about 15 lookalike women, consisting of a revolving door of twin and triplet experts, today, pending a glorious Clerkship on an International High Court need further evaluation by those, whom experienced her analysis, as nasty, bribed, poisonous in attitude, ridiculing, rigidly abusive as patients, friends or even clients. Dr. Delores Fan, 52, year old, unmarried, Board Certified neurologist, surgeon, and practicing analyst resides in the Upper West Side of Manhattan and practices medicine, law, and jurisprudence, mostly self-taught.

Many patients have been dismally abused by Dr. Fan’s gross crimes, who committed the intellectual property of a Scotland yard massacre in April 2008 against my dear cousin, resulting in other mass murder torts to our family, and later possible links to homicides in five U.S. States. Fan's office even notoriously killed a High Court Chief Justice in Atlanta, GA, according to reports. Many heinous medical and criminal actions, have been still coyly, precociously active, unprosecuted in awesome protocol by some officials, including the obstructive, wiretap, and mastermind of a lot of the telephone calls in New York State, even with a young harem; to a derogatory, proxy medical practice for the sake of her Court room appearances, to do video tape demonstrations about mental trivia, against her patients held away; to prescribing a multitude other poisonous, ordered, or let’s say, causing allergic reactions and scars. She was also known to rob everything via the phones, and holding the patient in exclusion from ticketing to payments, to contracts, to mail, to awards.

She typically charged patients with allegations of hearing auditory hallucinations, and condemned in harrassments about the subject of "voices," as a mechanism to check-up on sanity and mental conditions. Students embarassingly hovered in the harassing attacks about "voices," although Freud, Jung, and today's renowned analysts may still condemn "ghostlike voices," and permit "telephony," in theory over the meaning of "voices."

Previously, a judicial aide to a High court, deceased, United Kingdom justice, a U.S. judicial retiree, whomever both tutored and spoiled her; and, as a sexy companion to a a pleading senior judge, Dr. Fan may need video treatment for side effects and other nasty comments considered treasonful, rotten, cunning, sexy, and downright malicious. As a younger colleague of mine, Dr. Fan, sometimes a coke suspect, and smoker, a psycho-paranoid, neurotic, very lean, Jewish, mother of triplets, twins, and aunt of two other female siblings, now mostly grown-up, and all female, between the ages of 24 – 34 years old. The part-time husband psychoanalyst, is part of male triplet, participating in the fathering of the children, only with two men present in the apartment harem.

Following the Scottish massacre, I originally corresponded with experts about a growing concerning about Dr. Fan’s activities, lacerating verbal charges, unprofessional nasty allegations, and hackneyed medical-legal filings. Most of the dialogues normally medical and legal were gross, libelous, if not grandiose. Dr. Fan derived her historic education from a home schooled environment in psychiatry, law and jurisprudence.

People discovered the hard way she just didn't release clients, friends, professional contact, acquaintances, or dissatisfied patients very easily, so beware of her as analyst. Her tainted disposition, difficult personality, and scary diagnostic prose are enough to put anyone in the "hot seat" in a court room in front a group of people, to a long journey "up State" for no other reason than breathing, talking, being friendly, and smiling nicely.

Local authorities were flooded by Dr. Fan's blasphemous remarks, hackneyed law filings, and notorious commentary, which have been enough to throw her in for a prison stay, for falsity, Queen's law torts, libel, and a plethora of other crimes including violations as stated in Pell v. Procunier in 1974 by violating their privacy and rights.

Dr. Fan’s criminal intentions, medical legal horrors, with a history of degree malpractices, with a revolving door of the twins earning a bachelors degree, according curator procurement, had a fatal mental breakdown and fall three years ago. Out of grave concern her diagnosis was submitted to legal literary experts at a prestigious New York law firm to grab the attention even at the renowned organizations such as Nobel, World Health Organization, or British award-winning agencies, where she had been so obstructive towards anyone supposedly getting involved even as an invited guest, or recipient. The very important renowned genius at the law firm submitted the authored polished article, which evidently later won a "citation."

Today, medical malpractice claims arrived from the successful judicial authorities, which were received by everyone, but this author herewith. The judicial team of authorities sharing thoughts with Dr. Fan and consort really needed to respect the degree curators, and others involved whom valued her trust and integrity in medicine, or law. Instead Dr. Fan refuted her clients, typically proxied patients not released from her, and scandalized clients in Court rooms by video dramas. An intellectual property of a motion picture caught the motivation of the official legal team. Dr. Fan's motivations were to seek permission of the law authority to rob owners of their escrowed funds, and lock-up out owners really considered well. The fight of the caduceus, therefore, continues in binding arbitration. With and without the recipient owners, Dr. Fans need release from the High Court benches and the people affected, now as "suspect" of gross crimes such as: felony, hate crimes, "gang-buster's" sex relations, forced impregnations, harem practices, homicides, mass murders, genocide torts, frauds, wiretaps, racketeering, derogatory comments, other torts, and malpractices.

Ellen Joyce Katzen
All Rights Reserved.
Copyrighted © 2010 Pending
Registered at W.G.A.East January - June 2010®

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Dirty Papers"

New York, NY - August 12, 2010

"Disparaging" Remarks, Denial of Rights, and the "One-Minute Managers"

The Nazi German extermination camp, Treblinka, 850,000 people were annihilated, in occupied Poland, during the Holocaust, in 1943 during World War II, yet, there were the releases of Jews, Gypsies, and Romani people in a revolt with about 600, or more people, which happened to rescue and save them.

Today, in what has been seen as our continuation of Operation Treblinka release to freedom, the "Reader," and other public indictments to the Court are described herewith and affected due to war crimes and activities to us. Lengthy investigations probably will follow. Can we have peace from "crimes against humanity" in what appears to be poor compliance issues?

The "Reader," by author, Bernhard Schlink," law professor and judge captured major motion picture audiences worldwide, in 2008 by Steven Daldry, director, based on a novel published in Germany in 1995. With brillance, as seen though at a Cracow concentration camp, and its environs nearby Auschwitz, where 300 Jewish people were killed in a "church," as told, the indictments and trial by the German High Court Judge and professor heard the testimony in hearings by the Nazi perpetrators, and the S.S. war criminal, Frau Hanna Schmitz.

Dirty papers, "disparaging" remarks, denial of rights, and even today's "one-minute managers," have things in common. "One minute managers" were disillusioned about the real meaning of what really are contained in the significance of the U.S. Constitution's Amendment 9; and from leadership guru and author Ken Blanchard, and other best-selling self help, trendsetting, leadership coaches. Setting goals, improving effective performance, participating in standards of conversations, along with the axioms of leadership like telling, selling, delegating should create success in leadership as a manager, according to "one-minute" manager research. Corruption presided instead.

Professor Lee Bollinger and President of Columbia University in his authored book about First Amendment rights, "Uninhibited, Robust, and Wide-Open," stated, "A statute from 1352 made it a crime to imagine the king's death, to take up arms against the king, or to "adhere to the king's enemies." In the seventeenth century, John Twyn, a printer, was convicted of "constructive treason," then hanged, drawn, and quartered for possessing a book arguing that the king was accountable to ordinary citizens, who retained the right to self-government. A statute from 1275 prohibited 'any false news or tales whereby discord or ocassion of discord or slander may grow between the king and his people.'"

Literary author, Malcolm Gladwell, "Blink," Tipping Point," explored new concepts for awareness and sensitivity, for us to help us master dialogue and interpersonal relationships. Economic geniuses, co-authors,Stephen D. Levitt, and Stephen J. Dubner, "Freakonomics," and "Super Freakonomics," have reviewed statistical and analytical solutions in their research to understanding, professionally, with niche marketed studies in a range of topics, including prostitution.

Today, the "dirty papers" scared people away, trying to lockout them from their results, business, and property, while permitting an ad hoc group to preside in lieu of the person. The counterpoint politics inherent brought pre-trial hearings and Court discussions to determine the legality and rights of ownership. The faux guardian group had been discreetly mean in hateful, untruthful, "dirty papers," although the ad hoc defendants were complained about regarding rico, homicides, if not mass murder. Ms. Sophie Visconti seized the moment to secure an asset-based finance trusted to her in the millions, or more, with the aid of all her official friends, CEOS, bankers, and lawyers based on the earnings from the faux guardian case(s) managed by her exclusively.

Award winning current affairs author, Jim Marrs, in "The Rise and Fall of the Fourth Reich," pinpoints the German influence in modern day economy and society, inherent within elite hate societies and clubs.

Now, Eva De Hoop, high court Justice today, colluded extremely derogatory law papers in poor language style with supportive criminal lawyers and case managers. The case managers and lawyers upheld antagonisms towards communities of "experts," during their barring technicalities, (now estimated at 15,000 victims), who tried to earn post-graduate accoutrements, to establish professional practices, and businesses; but, were entirely obstructed by conflicts in Judge De Hoop's papers for two decades or more. Judge Hoop had a mental history including racketeering, even today. Judge De Hoop blocked the experts' progress in her Taliban papers, (formerly historically with Hitlerisms of record, in power, or force) by controlling exclusively the "dirty law papers," which declined the public's rights to their actual Reality to receiving all their products and evidences of fame, achievement, or accomplishment. She, with Ms. Sophie Visconti, and Mr. Herschel worked with the criminal lawyers, students, criminals, and defendants to ruin in a blockade towards the owners and rightful degree recipients by grid-locking their economic climate. This was earlier described as a "smoke screen" or "gaslight" effect by insurance analyst, Steve Ruchman. Such horrors are estimated in the New York area up to four million people pending certifications for twenty years or more without earnings in their fields of excellence.

Senator J. B. was warned about the rampant semi-professional major motion picture pilot, "Kill Bill," or, a version of this genre of movie, with a swarm of novice actors and producers pleading to Paramount, Universal, Miramax, MGM, and ABC Entertainment, the movie was for them, even though the liabilities were grief.

"Kill the owner to own the owner's property," as noted in law books: "Aerospace Cadet Management" and the "Police Handbook Manual,: these ambitions were motivations by the defendants hoping to be upheld in Courts' hearings in Philadelphia, PA and elsewhere, and by a supported choir of disparaging ridiculers begging for money, or property, or meddling in discussions with owners about their property. Foul mouths, lousy attitudes, and war crimes comparable to genocide won the attention of a few collaborating " judges, allowing the disrespect to the ownership of the properties in review for Probate to justify rational to meet.

Nasty Charlie, attempted to contact the Royal "soul" in efforts upon reading the "hostage of America," and the fights of the caduceus. Attackers, a harem of telephone criminals, (wholeheartedly orchestrating Statewide telephone frauds, computer and telephone hacking, and lousy operations), young adults, yuppies, some coked, efforted consortium, if not poisonous remarks to him to scare him verbally in murderous fashion; and ridicule set flame to Ophelia waiting in the wings for Hamlet's predicament to happen, or not happen.

Mike Blume, a New Yorker, with mass torts comparable to a Schindler's impact, along with delusional, Congressional leader, Mrs. Emily Visconti, and quibbling Senatorial and cancer expert, Dr. Harry Sloan "betrayed" the public by managing "three minutes" every day by conducting local hearings for them to control their mail, asset-based financial portfolios, and prestigious notifications. Holding a magical wand with lots of "impunity" and powers of attorney upheld by his Office and power, they succeeded by taking control of the possessions and heirlooms of the "homaged." Blume's demise was everyone's Probate and Estate valuables were denounced to anyone not in the game of crime and torts, by his leadership and wise business whoopla.

Blume remitted checks from the prolific "underwriting" by the litigant herewith, and gave money out to Taliban experts, like Dr. Marty Honk, a Cornell psychotherapist, and counter-terrorism analyst, Steve Scribble, pending officialdom to collude a staff to hold his will, so to keep the women friends in cahoots with him.

In his cognitive irrational state he only prayed, mentalized, intrusively, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for the death of an individual homaged,subconsciously; and, then he blessed his friends, and pledged to domino effect the newly packaged inheritances to all upholding his actions.

Dick Monheit, M.D., former concerned neighbor Dick Monheit, M.D. tried to reach this person, but was blocked by the hullabaloo with the harsh antics and pundits now from Danielle Lerman, and the sleuth of lawyers attempting to create a slimy ad hoc business for their children and their glorious Estates. The mysterious inquiry by the caller still needs consideration.

When the derogatory remarks from the filthy law papers arose at the local sourcing center, everyone in the U.S. Post Office(s) opened the mail, and read them, including the boss. The affadavits, accoutrements of 50, or more law papers to each individual recipient were promptly tossed away (hopefully in a safe place), then obstructed, intending to defame the "homage," including the medal of honor, Order of the British Empire tickets, the Nobel invitation to gather for a committee meeting, the notifications to collect on the prior Oscar, the Emmy, Cannes, the Pulitzer, other book club awards, clippings, manuscripts, and payments; yet, only the "dirty papers," were to be sent to the "homaged," held up in "locked box" on the Upper West side.

"One minute managers" have embraced their energies herewith by participating, telling, sharing, talking the truth the way they saw fit in a fun environment: crimes, misdemeanors, and controversial moments didn't fear them. Cheating, rampaging, hoarding, as the doctor says, diabetes, and insulin, lithium, should be okay. Survival mechanisms worked out for the homicidal gunner in the hearing rooms, and the white collar defense team are again protected by the Taliban expert to keep all plaintiffs, owners, or recipients, at bay. Why?

Assuredly with all the laziness of the "one minute managers" they successfully reaped the "benefits" quickly to get ahead in their prime now and to be par with the intelligence and wealth of the inherited, so called wage owners. Identity thefts supposedly were cool, even by the Chief.

Remind yourselves next time the pro se attorney or a real attorney attempts to swear in their practice, please enforce the Hippocratic Oath, the U.S. Constitutional Amendment 9, and the other Constitutional values for benevolence purposes, law and order.

Part of the problem with the dogmatic "crazy papers," earlier from Judge Hoof and associates had been the resistance to change content, not recall, and abrogate statements with a major apology and settlement payment for the damages, diagnostic mistakes, lengthy waiting, and tainted lives of so many business people, anchors, lawyers, and those kept waiting indefinitely in barring considerations. The associates took advantage of the proxy at hand permitted by the Courts, while holding the owners in sequester until satisfaction was declared in Court.

The "one minute" students, "two-minute" executives, lawyers, and novices who were so ugly, mean, vicious, and insulting in their comments when they acted, corresponded, litigated to Courts,to the law firms, or even the way they talked on the phones, really need to consider an "Apology" to the Officials, the Courts, the friends, and the folks involved. Believably, the "two-minute managers" reacted to the tainted "crazy papers," and too wouldn't change. A special note to foreigners, immigrants, Naturalized citizens, Green card holders, whom were confused about the meaning of this great country's Constitutional laws and values such as concerns about how "robust,wide-open" one can be in Freedom of speech, militia and guns, burglary, and killings; therefore, declare peace among us, and warn ourselves to be much more careful next time. Motion judgements to follow for Operation Treblinka's releases from the dangers from crime and atrocity....

Ellen Joyce Katzen
Copyrighted © 2010
Version 3
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"Say Cheese — Smile!"

Today, I was approached spiritually, or, better yet, tete a tete, by some children and teenagers I know from "School Uniforms" magazine to write more about meaningful and significant concepts like "Say Cheese," a pilot for a major motion picture. As initially described in my long, detailed short story of mine, by two student analysts whom poked fun and reflected at the children today, "Ms. Yearly," "the portrait of an actress as a young girl" were caught up in a movie. What does all this mean — "Say Cheese"?

High fashion and haute couture's top models now glossing the Globe, from walks of life, across the Atlantic Ocean, traveling Europe, Milan, parts of Africa on the set, shooting catalogs, printing in more than 100 tabloids, on the covers of major fashion magazines, and in newspapers, the younger generation today wanted to know if "Say Cheese," would publish.

Today, the two analysts dug up a a short story of mine from about twenty years ago. When I resided for the summer in Newton, MA where I composed 12 times, 50 pages, a copyrighted short story of an actress on television and in movies, whom never really knew the truth as to whether she was seen successfully in the motion picture, or not. The dramas were a long detailed "epiphany," with the sudden revelation, manifestations, comprehensive of pastiches, special effects, tuning, sounds, of the drama of TV and motion picture which mysteriously basically overwhelmed "Ms. Yearly."

Today, the young actors and actresses question whether their careers should be guided further in show business and drama, and would it be worthwhile to produce such properties as "Say Cheese," or, other flicks like the "Orchid" series, the cliffhanger yarn "Locked Box," and a murder-mystery adapted from Anglo-Swiss artist Henry Fuseli's 1781 oil painting, "The Nightmare," ? Additionally, are they on television, or under surveillance in motion picture, in Reality, especially like being caught up in "Say Cheese"?

The "Say Cheese" motion picture stayed under wraps, with the folks still "Mumm," so as not to cause any further felony at the anchor desks.

Ellen J. Katzen
©All Rights Reserved 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

"Criminal Intent Resulted in Hostile Takeovers"

Siege Of Product Design

The Fight of the Caduceus Controversy Continues....

"Endangered species" of human beings exist today, in the dour existence, considered in effect like a siege, impasse or even obstacles. Very few people, or companies extend successfully in the payout of respect in support, money, property, rights, trial meetings, Constitutional rights, and civil liberties. Herewith follows a dialogue about some occurrences of criminal intent with hostile takeovers, "obstacles,"and, derivatives, or even explanations of the happenings about product design getting ruined by siege.

The Main Events, at this time, have become intellectual properties comparable to a visionary, or, even an imaginary gauging at what really has happened; yet, it may be thought of as a "delusion," in effect by the others. I believe, a few friends, acquaintances, and professional colleagues, and E.J.Katzen were invited to the Main Event, this year based on her literary works like “Tradesecrets,” a copyrighted treatment derived from a 1977 dramatic, historical fiction plot; however, the invitations were snatched on route to Ms. Katzen at a postal sourcing center, in a district here on the Upper West side of Manhattan, NY. Ever since "Maven" became an Academy Award and Guild Presentation effort in the beginning of my career in motion picture, I feel a loss at not being present at the Main Event as a principal or invited guest. The illusion, or the deception by the foes to justice and my labor have really excluded me and others for sole benefit of fleecing the "results." I would like to be involved and included in my business, and personal affairs, especially when it matters.

Recently, there had been passes to the Nobel events in Norway and Sweden. Other very important events like the British Awards, French Legion guest passes, the White House Press awards, U.S. Olympic Committee in Vancouver, World Health Organization meetings, even the Kennedy Center invitations, assumably, she would get there easily in her “mind’s eye," although little did she know all invitations and passes became ‘sieged.” Why? A disillusionment developed from a family of peoples clamoring no one would ever expect her, here, or there; and, the jealous peoples' arrival at these events were more understandable to themselves. Meanwhile, the offer to go to the V.I.P. affairs failed the owner(s), left in again demise.

Ms. Katzen had experienced confrontational, ballistic tactics, distraughting her, in what Insiders called, beat-up situation. Fleeced by hoodlums wanting to get the results without doing the homework; consequently, there were never responses or change. Obstructed by the Mob in many of their endeavors resulted in Actuarial fatalities and misery to the friends. Derogatory remarks and other scare tactics intended to evade Judges from the open charges about the defendants. Obstructions of job market, economy and results hurt the community. Again fleeced by the landlord(s) on the telephone system, cyber-security, at the mail rooms, banks, and at hearings; any business was disallowed, thereby, nothing was accomplished. Financial claims and investments overdrawn by a "lean" lifestyle, forced investors away. Bankers were pathetic, supported by the ex parte, or the guardian/proxy hoax in deposits of the owner(s), left the owners excluded from their trial proceedings and payments. Then, when they called the owner(s), the bankers and prospects were rebuffed by a pervert announcing"pawn" jeers, suppportive torts, and derogatory sneers over the telephones, at the hearing rooms, and in the offices.

Today, siege hasn’t changed a lot from the experiences of the last two decades. In particular, the developing Ways and Means in control in the Eighties and Nineties evidently, had various claims and settlements with the payments to the restauranteurs, retailers, corporate owners from the grossly, damaging on-going, ten year siege. Nowadays, the same people, whom sieged the neighborhood of its value in the Nineties, are now installed in their leadership with funds and security as capable spokespeople, doctors, lawyers, social workers, publishers, and professionals. However, more recently, tainted Officials blew smoke in everybody's faces, and sieged back the assets in disbelief and ridicule about the dubious investments from the siege during the Nineties.

The U.S. government, with the State, predominantly presides the most, in getting the engines of the governments mobilized in America. No one knew better than Governor, how to make the "Engine" work and systematized in the New York community. The myth about the Governor's "engine" working, really wasn't very effective either. Empowerment groups grass rooting communications in an efforts to strategize and connect to folks universally, really "pandered" and didn’t make the challenge of "change," in running America better with its "Engine."

Instead, the driving force of bankruptcy continued, even motivated by associates at the bar associations. Attorneys intending to ridicule, defame, destroy, in correspondence, with punitive actions by the usuage of Public guardians, garnishments, Bonds, and re-structuring tried their best to own the owners’ property via siege. Currently, the tax frauders and telephone racketeers stole computer data and tax materials to claim 10-25 percent agency fees, on behalf of the community represented. Prestigious agents too took power of attorney of its legitimate talents snarling productions and manuscripts for their aspiring pool of experts the agent had felt was the preferred list. Family members and associates didn’t do the homework like some of the owners. Instead family and colleagues trialed at clandestine hearings and meetings to siege the rights of the labored force.

At the State level the phones, emails, fax, messengers, and courier, hardly exist in two-way communication well, other than to the local sourcing mail centers, “fusion,” or hearing rooms. Therefore, the owner recipients are never there at the Main event, or worthy of their estate plans and destiny. Missed are friends, professionals, events, meetings, and even the trials. Intellectual property knew what happened and with knowledge about even the serious concerns. Its remedy installed was to deliver results to an independent executive, not the owner, in order to, waiver the value for the pool of experts. Continuance to rob, cheat, lie, fraudulently act ignited dislikes and hatreds. The reporters were grim, novice-like, and fearful to say a word, evidence, or fact.

Inflicted as the community lifestyle has been, the expectant emailed or telephone called strategy meeting, Webinar, from the President, Vice President, the Officials, Corporations gave opportunity to open an "x-factor" in the Ways and Means. Loneliness taught us to be our own best friends, all throughout the siege ordeal. No one called, corresponded, honestly talked about what "change" really needed to be accomplished.

Instead, the product design had reliance on Spanish medicine, Asian politics, with other Ethnics, Afro-American, and other racial "conflicts" mediating to control the results of others, which were intended to solve the issues at hand in closed-door trial hearings, without the inclusion of the owner(s) in the community. Methods of cyber-crimes obstructed the owner(s)' Internet, which resulted in the capture of the notifications, trial meetings and claims. The owner(s) were sieged of their alleged ownership of estates, property, accoutrements, and valuables while held-up in exclusion. Without any substantial evidence, and knowledge to date about the closed-door pre-trial proceedings, Insiders "spoofed" the recipient while enduring a potentially dangerous, assaultive environment.

I wish you well and hope you have the opportunity to attend your events, particularly when "invited;" and, stay tuned for next blog soon.

-Ellen Katzen

© All Rights Reserved March 2010. Updated Edited Rights by EJK 5/9/10

Monday, February 8, 2010

Insurgent Rebels In Control Need Releases

New York, NY Updated 2/11/10

A "blind" and "silent" Holocaust, this life, this generation, this century, are the destruction and deterioration of the Great American way and system set forth by our Great Grandmothers and Forefathers. Massacres occurred, where entire families with children had been annihilated, again, mass murders in the family of peoples, sufferings by rapes of younger women, forced impregnations, late abortions, harsh punishments by amputations, butchery, kidnappings, "ravaging" in our mail rooms caused massive slaughters, and defamatory accusations still active. Undisclosed and a variety of unconfirmed Goldstone reports about the reckless aerial attacks, and land bombings, other Nazi-like hate campaigns surprised callers. Rampant bank robberies, extreme wire frauds, and money laundery prevailed while trying to triumph with peace and prosperity.

As Brendan Behan, described in the "Hostage," during the revolution, 1919, and Irish civil war 1921-23, the guests, "hostaged" at a boarding house in an experience with Innkeeper, Monsewer,a bagpipe player, Pat and Meg. Held captured and hostaged, a British, and an I.R.A.(Irish Republican Army), soldiers, with prostitutes at the boarding house. Meanwhile, two actors dance, Mulleady and Miss Gilchrist, while two drag queens dance; a flirtation with the maid, tested the hostages' mettle with hostilities at the brothel, where the soldiers were only to die in executions.

The Saint Joans, madman Henry IV, of today, have yet to stop their gripping arguments, and compelling violences made against our children, families, and communities at large. So take heed of reality, and the experiences herewith pending, while awaiting for your "results" to happen. For you may be one of among many slain by the enemies of liberty, time, and peace.

As a Saint Joan character, or Henry VIII, medieval clansmen, John, of Gaunt, Edward III, or Henry III, the army of sarcastic hoarders, became the army of ownership, leaving most of the masses vagrant; and, hopelessly, waiting for the next Social Security check, paycheck, dividend, to endure a quiet moment of solitude. This sickness confronting insurgent America are a social disorganization with panaceas unwanted, and unhabeous corpused. The preaching and the gracious, courteous litigation were directed towards rectifying crimes, endorsing white collar crime defense, that catered to this mockery in leadership of killings, terrorisms, and insane responses.

The American work ethic today has become a meaningless, disrespected mission of society, by leadership considered previously right-wing constantly heckling today's democrats — some baby boomers, the former hippie generation, eager with endorsements and sponsorships of the younger counterpart, the yuppie generation. Demise occurred to the baby boomers with unemployment and malaise, disappointed by the exclusive advocacy of their proteges.

Meanwhile, people, whom got ahead by doing little, complacently, maintained a dedicated family position, at the workplace or business, married, with children, volunteered for causes and non-profits, and futilely tried their best, planned for retirement with aspirations of wealth and success.

However, criminal actions inspired folks to speed the progress with the advocacy of corruption in an incognito style of politique. Those considered a statute from a mediocre class took unnecessary risks to get ahead by participate in hate crimes. The protocol was never to talk about what was really happening, but to build a secret army espousing communisms, socialisms and other anti-establishment pogoms. Efforts by so-called communists held captive the American capitalists to congratulate them by a lock-up and habeous corpus with the force of communisms (which the hate criminals experienced throughout their lives in mediocrity), causing owners to fret about their current financial portfolio, and, discouraged from their daily jobs, the American work ethic failed.

For the former capitalists again controlled by communistic and socialistic influences couldn't get out of the "box." The criminals and communists now owning airplanes, gadgetry, apparatus, possessions, computers etc., with all kinds of hoopla, and estates, internationally commanded America to be theirs.

The killings provoked seige of the owners' property and threatened Probate rights. Probate was gold, for family's inherited estates. Probate was not designated for the killers, but provocation of massacre resulted in differences. No more family photographs, relics, paintings, monies, delivered due to the rath of burglaries and terrorisms on premises and in our mailrooms and elsewhere. Hardly any "mail property" or actual Word, for the recipients, jewelry, awards, invitations entirely withheld and sourced by the meddlers, persecutors, and dangerous convicts. Meanwhile all work, Probate matters lay for wasteland.

The flag carried by the criminals and insurgents held high on its pole, with the glamour and style of the capitalists; and leaving the capitalists indigent, only to try harder. Values were gone wild. An education, industry, business, and earning a living as so earlier formally taught are now home-schooled, neglected, and discouraged. The threatening devolution of our Constitutional rights, liberty, justice continues at this hour leaving us bankrupt by terrorisms, Nazisms, and other defamatory hate crimes even at our livelihoods.

Due to the injustices of the predators we greatly risked our lives, livelihoods, and estates, as read in the "Hostage," in trying the truths, and hearing about the developments. Hostile takeovers were yesterday; today, we need to quickly take charge, and rebound economically for success and prosperity. I'd like to courteously hear from you in response to these blog articles, and find out what you recommend about how we need to proceed together in peace.

-Ellen Katzen

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Controversy Over Rights for the Fight of Caduceus

January 21, 2010

New York, NY - 1/21/10- by Ellen Katzen

Much inhumanity continued over the holidays in rank and file of government, friends, and family in a controversy over the meaning of the "caduceus," the mission of Hippocrates at the bar, and where we stand in aspects of performance and duty.

A "demise" of country, Policy, and other torts, inclusive of homicides created lots of problems. Evidently, for some New Yorkers herewith the holidays were the worst, following a royal, dignified, disaster, respectively, at a post office center(s), and hotel, sorely hurting us. Presidential, Royal, prestigious invitations, greeting cards, packages and gifts, never arrived from here and abroad, and thoroughout the world.

A communications "snafu," in the ordeal became evident with gridlock conditions. "Fusion" and hearing rooms excluded the owners from proceedings and in sourcing areas, and there were lots of mail games, and pirates. Environmental crimes were common by a school of "doomers" in confidential areas. A "wipe-out" occurred, which was mean.

Meanwhile, a "spoof" developed to get away with the mass torts and liabilities, and litigate with white collar crime defense to settle disputes. A "mess" this morning encourages folks to-get- a-long in present conversation, while waiting to hear the news, and reach the right person with the kind of affadavits one likes.

Intellectual property experts reviewed this case as a "mess" and extensively damaging, now more humanity is called. Many of the folks have knowledge of the cases, their degrees, their estates, earned labor, but today they aren't in possession of the property herewith. Blockade was upheld with the criminal possession of the properties of the community herewith entirely withheld due to competition, rivalry, criminality and torts.

Tragedies happened in the "spoof," while trying to litigate cases, and to come to closure soon. Assumably, the Public was unconstitutionally "sequestered" by judges and local officials litereally underground in the local hearing room courts causing habeous corpus to the Public on virtually all their cases pending. "Inferior" lawyers, without the proper training, education or law school attendance overruled law and order at large, while folks whom practiced ethics and law were omitted from the bar or courts. Large sums estimated were removed by the ex parte, in part, recently, with the approval of the Official Judge of the Eastern District to a bank outside this community. Stalkers regularly went to the the local hearing rooms in the area to seek Officials and Judges, permission to retain the robbed assets from the local courts.

An "impasse" developed, which was upheld evidently by the "ex parte," and their new anti-liberty, human rights, and civil rights motions in practice charged them with gross obstruction of justices, homicidal torts, and damages while holding everybody up in the community. I was meanly, rudely, discriminated, ruined, damaged, and fraudulently excluded from proceedings, which destroyed estates, valuables, Labor, money, and accomplishments of mine.

A lot of "baloney" by the "ex parte" today still, content, in "dirty papers" and nasty charges, grossly damaged the affairs of the owners/recipients. Many ex parte groupies now consist of yuppies dabbling in law with motions of "screwy louey" ambitions. The anti-ex parte really had capable people walking around on "crutches," and habeous corpus mondi the community of experts, Baby boomers, in unconstitutional ways, which were considered unjust and treasonful. The anti-ex parte tried bribery, excluding the owner(s) from proceedings, and even were noted with a "history" of guns, burglary, and apparatus as a method of achieving their goals. The efforts of the anti-parte had expressed feelings of revolution, anti-establishment oriented, topple the government, by destroying the accomplishments of the expert, owner and community. A defamatory law school of torters protested the achievements of many in the community, by obstructing owners from their property rights and degrees in an attempt to uphold the anti-exparte command.

Gross plagarisms, movie piracies, crimes, and other torts transpired, causing major difficulty to the author /producer to hear any news from the publisher, attorney, courts and studio; therefore, this crisis held-me-up indefinitely and has actively kept me waiting too long time, probably even delayed "progress" with the publishers.

Other torts were controversies over rights, gross identity thefts, and torts. "Noise" threatened in gestapo slogans: "I want to cut your arm, leg, liver, breasts, hip, heart off," until I can get my way, and to even "kill" x, y, z; and, a number threatening catcalls against "Madame Doe" for her defamatory sciamachy. Hostage-keeping of tenants and their belongings continued....

My objectives and goals now are directed towards resolving cases, "conflicts," and wanting to go to meetings to network with friendly associates for New York and the world. I was waiting to come to closure in public relations and "how to build your government" surrounding my product and property, surrounding several titles, articles, non-fiction, and one or two fiction books and other undisclosed property, and channel(s.

Discussions of senior planning, and children's rights were held.

I've also managed themes of "identities," the mission, and the search to travel through the times in finding your "identities." "Passages" like "Avatar," and meeting newcomers in perspective have become recognized.

The landlord and his associates herewith need release on grounds of negligent torts because of compliance issues for a long time. The employer(s) were disgruntled inhibiting closure.

I'd enjoy hearing from you soon, so contact me, if you like, to let me know your thoughts and opinions too.