Sunday, September 5, 2010

"Breakthrough — Father, 'Coming Back' Again...!"

Rasputin's Debauchery with Interns in a Re-union

This commemoration, saga and mystery of the personal, professional lifetime history about my late Father, has reflections, of Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, sweeping to King George II, or King George III, while "traveling through the times," and "coming back" home again in a re-union with harps, bows, and violins, flutes, and violas, in lovely orchestrations, originated for some of us similar to tuning into a Gershwin's repetoire, or a notable Bach or Brahms lullaby. However, things went differently for us.

A special envoy to Spain,and diplomat for Israel, while in his lifetime, Dad, a great companion, mentor at work in medicine guided us in our Way for our Country, from the end of World II, to the day he died. During his comeback "Raymond," found his houses burned down, with mounting FINRA cases piled on the Bush calendar, killings against his family, kin, and associates, which destroyed the harmony among his family, and its Estate. Violent crime disregarded and crashed most his teachings in medicine, radiology, surgery, and jurisprudence had been the destructive path by current surgery team, staff, and hoodlums by their violent crimes. Realizing his pathway in his roots may be still "up for grabs," by family members, although he had been realized to be "brilliant," extraordinary, "top doctor,"teacher, professor, Judge, in medicine, law, the classics, and literature to many colleagues, family, friends, and, others.

President Abraham Lincoln masterminded the freedom of the United States from slavery and racial inequalities, during the American Civil War, with the command of the Union Army led by General Ulysses S. Grant, who defeated the Confederacy with a volunteer Army in a series of battles leading to the Confederacy's surrender on April 9, 1865, by Confederate Army General Robert E. Lee at the Appomattox Courthouse. The Appomattox treaty signed by General Grant and General Robert E. Lee ended the tumultuous Civil War in United States history.

The article based on a true story, about 'Father' had been a realization, for an Addendum, proposed to follow-up in a book, titled "Breakthrough, about, the nurturing philanthropic, helpful, Mother, Sadona Friedman, and her Life, within the context of a first-time comeback, after forty years of living, again, unbeknownst to m, and, as a secret discovery to all of us. Years, after her second life, she died while living at the San Remo in New York City. Findings uncovered my Father died around 1954, aimlessly during a Civil Rights crisis on the lawn, for "racial integration," equality rights, and better money, at his mansion in Melrose Park, PA, around the time of the Brown v. Board of Education case. Mrs. Ruth Mentor, house manager, cook, practical nurse, domestic helper, and somewhat outspoken, got liberty of things to buy her house in Southwest Philadelphia. Mrs. Ruth Mentor groomed me during my upbringing, when my parents' were absent.

Therefore, an adopted father, for "Ray," so-named purportedly, "Jim,"and others, former President of Israel, Ben Gurion, Ramon Ortiz, Spanish attorney and diplomat, Jack Bouvier, lawyer, stood in ,at different times, and took command to hold the family together with the mother, Sadona Friedman, while in her forties, and later Louis Auchincloss filled in with Florence. Some of the prolific antique wedding pictures, in the collection of antique heirloom quality photographs predominantly by late Louis Friedman, really did depict the bachelor team of six men, one including Churchill, Raymond Massey, and Ray Burr, in posh Gershwin's celebrity style. After, Sadona's death in January 1965, occurred in a divorcing argument which caused a car accident gloom took over in her absence. Florence Shapiro stepped in to manage the house, following the introduction by Murray Shusterman, attorney for them, for the later years, as step mother, bringing her family -- the Blumenthals. Post- war feelings and repercussions did occur from William H. Rehnquist, yearning as Sociology professor of mine, while experiencing the Sixties and Seventies.

Meanwhile, lessons learned here could initiate better platforms and methodology for re-incarnates to exist better with their families, and kindred in Life. Unfinished business, and lingering with the kin, in the current life could be encouraged more, not just a "blink," and forgetting the negativity endured like dwelling on the past problems. Destroying Estates and property really should not be motives by managements, or those in charge at high Government levels.

The "breakthrough" about the comeback of Dad in this "passage" came to me as a "blink" at Starbucks locations on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, NY twice, first, nearby Fordham Unviversity Law School, and then later after a fall nearby the U.S. Post OffIce at RAdio City Station. And, I am told a 'comeback," cannot relate in time to a earthling being as myself.

An antidote, "Coming Back," published in 1983 by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Pabhupada educates beginners in Hare Krishna and Zen about Hindu reincarnation methods for reading to understand life and "coming back," now with religion, life extension, and medicine.

Telecommunications, on "CIPAV," "Oasis," and other apparatus, in a mean, friendly environment, had organized a tremendous frolicking, sensationalism among militia friends to pursue the caduceus, as known as, a battle of wits, sweeping in the earlier historical Battles of Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775, between the King George III, led by Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith with 700 British soldiers fought by John Parker with his 500 minutemen, at North Bridge, historically, during the beginning of the American Revolutionary War.

People just can't get through to the decision-makers any longer due to "CIPAV," or "Oasis" telecommunications block by the hoodlums, now want to be doctors, experts, or engineers. When one comes back to Life, the connection, and networking could be better.

Prior to the reign of King George III, "Ray" had been ignored and cast, exclusively as a Moses of his lifetime; yet, folks forgot his impact role as the prominent King George II in interpretation by sources. Historically, later in a comeback evidently, he had been adopted and came to be known to us as, "Tipsy," (but earlier founded in feuds over the thrones of King George I and King George II), the Anglo-American Battle of 1812 challenged his rule for a number of reasons due to restrictions, although with the need for a Regency in 1811, and with Prime Minster Perceval's assassinated, then replaced by Lord Liverpool. Consequently, the Naval battle and blockade swept extensive fires and arsons against most of England and Ireland, and later Washington D.C. had been burned by a major British raid.

Dancing the thrones from Richard I, King of England, in 1189 vanquishing parts of France, as Duke of Normandy, Aquitaine, Gascony, to 1480 for a brief reign possibly in Richard III, sweeping to the dramatic throne of Henry VIII, in 1509, for lavishing three wives, and, in four years, left him an aspiring Opera enthusiast this lifetime, for fine classical times. Napoleonic imagery depicted him from 1805-1815 on battle fronts through history, even his lifetime, as a Veteran from the World War II, stationed in Normandy.

The caduceus arguments by some, herewith, had been witnessed by the sweeping purge and arson cases of complex "hate crimes," in the Philadelphia and Jersey areas against us, as a people, with wealth, history, dignity, labor, homes, offices, and Estates: the arsons really portray your government and laws against us in our pursuit of the American Way and Ethics as described by our founding Fathers and Mothers of this Great country. As he Witnessed, the late, father in his "coming back" home again, re-union, found horrors at his homes, and offices, which you've done by meanness, selfishness, cruelty, in cognitive psychotic behavior, in a terrible presentation to him about your negativity to Hippocratic healing and caduceus laws instilling killing, in particular his family, and friends. We now fear our safety, even in our homes, and privacy at risk, only to become disgusted with the way things happened. Many folks got licensed, leaving others behind. Hoodlums and guardian advocates blocked results to larcen, and "rob results" for their benefit creating a mess in medicine, and law.

Presently, foreseeably, a new breakthrough, then, ignored, had been the re-unions expected with my late father: a renowned, great brilliant, doctor, workaholic, a native Philadelphian, World War I, and II Army veteran, five star General, a challenging, driving, director, doctor and father, even of Ben Franklin nature in "identities," a former Attorney General in 1948-52, and with Eisenhower later, promoted to chief radiologist, of the Radiology department for five major metropolitan hospitals, a popular, benevolent, physician, dermatologist, general practioner, surgeon, high school Valedictorian, evidently, one of the Nobels in 1970 for medical literature, then a U.N. special envoy to Spain, verified as diplomat, professor in law and medicine 1952-58, managing editor for a major daily newspaper, motion picture director, U.S. Coast Guard endorsed yachtsman, a friendly golfer, and a great friend to many, and companion of Florence's and her family. The prominent physician, prestigiously, battled by so many gangsters badgering him for political attention, barring matters, or even medical practices, combatted death and homicidal attacks several times in the stress at his medical practice, at his home and apartment, but he managed to recover his well-being.

Never would I see him again, duped, after watching his coffin lay, in the "Name of My Father " flick, after 60 or more days in Intensive Care unit, in 1981 at Einstein Hospital, in Philadelphia, PA, that he may still be alive in his soul after years of crying my eyes out with tears, and the many memorial candles burning with prayers asking for his forgiveness only to have to endure loneliness without a real family.

Pray daily for your life and existence to improve, and make peace. Look inward to your deceased mother, or father, brothers, and sister, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, and kin, , as a cure to trauma in your day. Remembering your loved ones for ten minutes a day as if they were with you for the moment in their travels in the heavens, and galaxy, and to come back to us in time, may be a nice ritual in prayer, as my father taught me.

Upon the death of my dear father, the world shook. Family and friends, took advantage of things on the Estate. Awry matters did occur, and the lawyers, meanly with Murray Shusterman, Honorable, tipped Marilynne, an executor of the Will, primarily, for the settlements leaving me in dire conditions. Miles, did sell the office, where a small benefit got to me. Ryan, and Ron Rosenberg, and later New YOrk ombudsman, Mark Green, rudely played a game of the communist became the capitalist, in a Red Scare, and the capitalist had to be turned into communism for survival by forcing on severe gridlocked conditions. Almost like the European Union today.

I recognized my father influenced me on how to be an accomplished person; and, whatever idiosyncrasies he had, were minor. Ray kindly and gently in his soft spoke manner affected compassionately his clients, and patients to bring in wealth fulfillment to everyone involved in a nice way.

I see him today in reflections of other relatives and other kin, living in soul and embody of what he expected the truth, the way, the prosperity, the wealth, America and the world to mission upon as his Guiding Light out of the Book of Moses.

What we have been missing were — he and my mother, and, much later Florence. I described in the passage the greatness of my deceased mother in the book "Breakthrough/Breakthru,' or, "How To Get Along," whom evidently lived more than forty years longer than her announced death.

In his absence, the laws and government went awry, by wrongdoers, taking advantage — creating violence, hate crimes, counter-terrorisms, misery, blasphemy, and famines in disguise of medicine, law, jurisprudence and productive business. Mass torts, cruelty, slavery, and how to be compatible with crimes, were spoofed as okay. Sorcery, witchcraft, drinking blood, with bribes took flight of many homes and buildings to fire and ashes.

If we had my real father here today, a "Adolph Ochs" or a "Leo Gershwin," identity described in my eulogy, the doctor, Army General, judicial reviewer, or Medical Board examiner, he analytically would have taken action quickly and professionally what's become a horror, which is why you've been a great loss to us as a Public or family.

Comparable to the Battle of Britain in 1940, in the treasonful attack of the motherland country, destroying property, jobs, opportunity, by today's standards,of living, bigots, Orthodoxy, staunch chauvinists, extremists, KKK extremism, impune medieval henchman, prostitutes, drug addicts, a wild convicts, and other vagrant types ruined us with their plans to do blockades and heists by the strategic out-sourcing in the Battle of the England targeted against the U.S. The credibility of the owners were lacking and permissions not granted for the accoutrements and personal gains, according to this translator. The so-called bigots got away with murderous torts resulting in owner losses due to their continuous exclusions, which allowed the Trebelinka affect to continue.

As the people are crying out, with compassion, for kin, trying to reach us in our mail property, money, with Probate, and Estate matters, the world leaders, U.S. Senators, Congress, and Chief Executive Officers had ignored the grief, in this great battle against the owners and their Homeland, which were held up captive in their homes and offices in a Treblinka environment for years, locked out entirely of their labor, habeased, from accoutrements, again, for years. Only until recently the Treblinka Rescue plan for areas like Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, Haiti, Rwanda, Sudan, or troubled areas affected by Katrina, Sandy Hurricane, 9/11, and even those caught in their workoholic bungled, grind condition, due to mass torts and liabilities from impunity, corruption, and communisms, too, had been produced apparently by experts for rescue. But very few got really rescued financially, physically, or in well being.

The Doctor and his victors succeeded before in repairing negotiations of the past, which we failed to day, as men and women, with racial integration, gayness, and sexual equality today. The financial reformers doomed Society and the people, as well, in the seizure of their property underground and sub-surface even while we await our results today. Catcalls about destroying the property of the owners, smashed it, or demolished the precious things, which were ordered by a few of the Commander in Chiefs.

Why no one really transcended the reality of rekindling with kin, reincarnates, and aliens, and other space beings really required more attention. Why no one said — there's your late, Dad, go talk to him, meet up with him, for he needs some friends, money, or a new living. The cruelty of "coming back" home again to find roving arsonists, armed convicts, and terrorists aiming fire virtually at the homes, and properties our family resided and worked in for a long time, announced to me, the need for patience, detente, psyche medicines, and healings over the controversy of rights.

Why did the rainy day personality of Rasputin's hostile killers, or negative frauds, as interns now threatened our lives and livelihoods only to be cool, had gotten the Officials' okays, approving their coolness, as experts of the land, America, the free, with liberty, and justice for all. Or, with the medical training, like a Mark Twain "home-schooled" style, figuratively, with mixed up diagnosis like malaria as cirrhosis, or scurvy mistaken like hepatitis C, we've allowed them to preside, motion on orders, and mail belongings.

In admiration of my father, for his series high A's, 92 to 100, and one B, an 88, grades in medical school, I envied him in his brilliant, sane, cognitive intelligence, and dashing balance, for his excellence had diagnosed, conquered sickness, saved, cured so many people in his lifetime, getting patients out of wheel chairs, and helping them walk again, not putting them in a guardian of sickness with blasphemous indentures, or casts.

Personally, Dad detested in 1963 Philly's attorney and retired pro-baseball club pitcher, Mike Schmidt and others by their approach with the motions of the "crutches," and the defense trials constantly threatening public and me, as a notary public,to launch a possible guardian noose outlined in their"dirty papers." For these attorneys ignored the freedoms of the U.S. Constitution and its rights, even founded in Dad's lessons to them in law and jurisprudence.

Mr. Giuliani, Dr. Maurice R. Markewich, then an aspiring student,with Mr. Schmidt, and Ms. Silly Simba then in 1974 and 1976 in defense, including homicides, control of money, or coercion, contempt, at Edelsteien's law office, his Will attorney, forced barring technicalities. The guardian attorneys and guardian advocates launched a business of "dirty papers," with real names, and destroyed reputations in defense papers that omitted the capable from hearings, to be "construed" as disparaged and denied rights entirely. To blame had been terms of bankruptcy, homicides, or, debt collection.

Judge De Hoop, a Black woman, from Hitler's day, did project massive misery for the remainder of her lifetime, blocking the labor and human rights arguments between males versus females, or the sexes, while holding onto the gain in Race relations, with young adults, and ethnics. De Hoop illegally leveraged in motion entirely for the Race relations to continue with exuded freedoms and promotions, excluding women even at hearings. Women are work much more and get much less, with respect to their property, ownership, rights, and the reign of rule in government.

The charges against now an offensive il consortium, tipped by charges of arsons, mass murders, genocides, rapes, human trafficking, hate crimes and mass torts and liabilities even with "sweltering serpents," obviously could implicate what defendant stockbroker, manager, Bernard Madoff's sentence had been of 150 years penal, incarceration orders, in a trial presided by Judge Denny Chin, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. Consequently, there was dramatic interpretive judicial "polarization" in Court hearing's based on U.S. Court of Appeals Court, Third Circuit in Philadelphia. Judge Anthony Scirica's senior judicial results and opinion during the pre-trial motions and meetings, in a high court Civil proceedings leniently left everything go for many wild hoodlums. In summary, the penal charges could be severe, for active misconduct. What Judges look for probably would more positive moments to bring closure for asset-based finance to be achieved, and for the kin to enjoy the rest of their lives.

Extremely admired, icon, great Father, in our memories Ulysses S. Grant, and "traveling through his history of time, now did mandate immediate settlements for many of us in litigation, or, otherwise, lingering could produce more doom in retaliation due to arrests.///

All Rights Reserved © Ellen Joyce Katzen.
Registered Copyright 2010 (Pending).

Ellen J. Katzen
, now is pending author of a non-fiction book titled "Breakthrough." She reported during the 1990's from her midtown apartment in New York, while news gathering, and collected information from years of research developments, which she literally produced a non-fiction development book. The "Breakthrough," book described five episodes about interesting, inventive developments in scientific discovery, and later focused on her mother in a journey towards Enlightenment. Ironically, the breakthrough originally foreseen to happen, became evident as her late mother appeared, a very beautiful, awesome moment, who, I encountered living and alive for only two minutes in a meeting in the salon at the Congregation Habonim. Here, the above aforementioned are a series of events about the Father's (as known as Orson's best friend) comeback, and his witness of coming home again and the re-union among a few close contacts to him and all the occurrences which occurred to him and his estate matters. Although, Ms Katzen hardly appeared in the "Breakthrough" motion picture pending, (which was different from the book), "Breakthrough," with Kelsey Kirkland, Ellen Stapleton, undisclosed, Gene and Joan Halev, and other stars, due to rivalry and controversy. Herewith the new episodes has the father's returning, which may be reflected in a California Suite styled and formated movie development titled tentatively "Coming Back Suite." The sadness prevalied so many years, and lingered in my memories of my great dear Father, that later I realized several people died, under his name.

Footnote: Noted several non-fiction books contained in this text, Wikipedia, on line the American Dictionary, famous quotations, and other resources. This author influenced in literary work by reading articles, newspapers, broadcast television, and magazines for internet release, and publication in newspapers and magazines upon the rights of our signed approvals.

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