Sunday, March 26, 2017

“Does Crime Pay” Article

Mr. Barack Obama, then, the Forty-Fourth President of the United States, should be criticized of his “motions,” rulings, and some of his very interesting Executive Orders by you, personally, not by Mr. Trump. What Mr. “Bam” had allowed was alleged crime. President Obama purportedly did rule permissively towards the allowance of crime, with an easiness, and, savviness, to waiver, get loose, or, else --- get deported to Africa, or other parts of the World. Droves of people landed up in the African continent, or became warned from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Director, James Comey, to put up sums of money to get out of their unlawful crime, or tort.

Throwing passengers off a flying plane in the air, for punishment, tremendously disturbed some of us seeing the results of the victims now barely coping in wheel-chairs, or, hit by broken arms, and, limbs. Does crime and punishment have a pay off too dramatic for us. The audacity of such an event troubles us with bitter economy, and, fear from flying.

Does it pay to be a criminal? Can one get away with murder? Actress, Viola Davis, assumably from her network television series “How to Get Away With Murder,” depicts how you can get off charges of murder, when qualified.

Snakes, pythons, as seen in the motion picture "Kill Bill," had very offensive, scary cadaver effects upon the audience. Major sociological impact by snakes in the environment to enforce forensic against hoodlums, convicts, and other AWOL misconducts, in the City of New YOrk, and elsewhere have brought the Community Boards, and many complaints from the STate of New York against snake holders.

Dwarfs material, a controversial mistreatment at Tribunal or High Courts, and other teinte injections, black skin pigments, have been deterrents by some AFrican Judges for punitive reasons, to ward off crimes. Does it pay to be a criminal?

Today, many severe mentally ill people fret over their medicines, tranquilizers, and it’s side effects. The subduing of the criminal mind from any hostility due to violent crime may have the doctor order tranquilzers to behavior in check according to Society’s ways and means, in standards of living, and to curb any dangerous actions comparable to crime.

Colubmia University alumni, Sociologist, Gestalt activist, and, author Paul Goodman, Ph.D. educated us in his book,"Crime In America, about problems of youth in prison, within the context of organized society in America,” which had statistics relevant to social criticisms mainly regarding psychotics living in New York City. About 80 per cent of the New Yorkers were considered psychotic in the terminology of the text. Twenty per cent, passed inspection as neurotics. Within the context of psychotic behaviorial syndrome, the bi-polar category amounted roughly to 40 per cent in calcuations. Another 38 per cent were known to be the irrational, types, in disorderly conduct, as we have called schizophrenics. About another 20 per cent are categorized as criminals in intent.

Are criminals worse, than a mental patients? Ninety-five per cent of the time the criminals escape. The meaning though connotes worse things by crime, than mental illness happen, because lock-ups are more severe, costly, for dangerous actions, abusers, and continued “activity” of crimes. However, the “closet-case” of “schizophrenia,” pretends to be sane to others; however, when in the closet their crimes develop, with hidden secrets, clandestine criminal activities known to be dangerous to the Police, neighbors, Society, one’s family, and dangerous to oneself. When getting caught by major crimes, doctors frequently do say the diagnosis is of a nature called a nervous breakdown, similar to, where your mind turns out-of-control, out-of-focus, and "aimless.," requiring treatment.

Defending one’s domain, by working out from the out-of-print, “Black Book of Law,” "Policeman's Manual,"by George Chandler, both written in 1930, and "The Police Handbook" its severe pintive terms, of law enforcement really are not enforced, or permitted. But, law professors, some Police, law enforcement agents really understand what the significance of the meaning about “Black Book” prosecution. For instance, killing a person could be prosecuted such as in the Etan Patz trial without any statutes of limitation for murder. Rape could be two capital kills, synonymous with murder. Murder category in more than a thousand categories of criminal torts, within the “Black Book” would signify two penalties of capital punishment, without internment. Arson, on the other hand, would be deadly --- four captial punishments, and two internments. Due to its harsh killing factors by punishing crime, the “Black Book of Law,” does not market itself at normal bookstores, or College books racks.

The Course workshop of the "team building training" presented by renowned late Roman Catholic Priest, chairman, physician, and psychologist, Gerald De Lise, M.D. with later spokesperson, and, Attorney, General Manager, and President at Kaleidoscope Radio Network and Factory, Tom A. Voter, duoed again for workshops to the trade Public at large on the virtual topic of “Does Crime Pay?” open for young adults and seniors alike to transform, or make changes to their lives.

Can you get away to escape from crime? And, I like gambling, doing fun, and the playing Windmill.

Upon hearing and experiencing the impact of so many crime stories, at the home front primarily and workplace environment. Professor Voter, and Dr. De Lise packged a new program at the United Nations, by its Administration, to survive, especially during the Trump Administration’s government. The “motion” from Obama to Trump has been to share, educate, ,train, and re—group others to get out of it, by not doing wrongdoings, evilness, abuses, or, blatant, harmful crimes.

Your mind body relationship in “Metaphics” proves every person should do their best. Your mind tells your body how to behave, whether you steal, do drugs, shoot cocaine, and have sex with the neighbor’s wife, or husband, the treatment plan could be eminently curing for some guilty folks. “Please acknowledge your crime.” Pursue Christ consciousness, and plan to attend the "team building training" even for maintenance to stay healthy out of hospitals, prison, and, deportations....Professor De Lise and Dr. Voter's message.

Attorney Voter says really gets annoyed by the Police for his reasons, as mentioned to me.

As a “maven” in New York City, Police could relied on for emergencies only. The New York Fire Department alerts us by whistle blowing, and routing Citywide to inform Public citizens jeopardy to their Rights.

Crime statistics say repeat offenders do the worst, sweeping from the mentally ill, neurotics, and to the deeply affected psychotics. Therefore, workshops, consulting sessions, and support groups would be mandated to correct attitudes, behavior, and effectiveness.

According to the the Kaleidoscope networking team’s statistics 40 per cent of the male population do wrong by crime. Eighty per cent are fat by crimes. Twenty per cent would be considered obese, and, probably not curable. Another 20 per cent are schizophrenic in crime, or “aimless,” “irrational, “ and calculating nuts performance measures. Maintaining your goals, ambitions, and aptitude suggests its time to Program to fight the desire to do crime, gambling, or play the Windmill.

What Dr. De Lise stated to me, as a Roman Catholic Priest had been an explanation about his impactful dramas during his Program, with major “confessions,” from the students, followed up by Dr. De Lise’s awesome prayers for “Blessings” and, for “Release,” with Christ Consciousness, Mary, and the Lord, Jesus, the Holy Man to try to convert, and to clean-up the audience.

Periodically, a lot of crying does happen at the Program’s workshops. No yelling, or screaming, but cries to get out of the troubled paranoid state of living, keeping one, down, and, under.

When attending Salvation Army church services , their doctrine shown had Nine Principles in Prayer Doctrine for practice, which did include “sin” as by oneself. Everybody is a sinner to prayer at Salvation Army. So crime really should be known to us as a common thread.

The Torah worshipped under Judaism orderd by the Lord, and given as Tablets to Moses, a great Prophet, and, the tribe later adapted guided by the Prophet, Abraham, created an awareness of what would be crimes for cleansing under the Lord’s recognition. When actually practicing Judaism, Jews notably are freed by prayer, or meditatio like other prayerers. By praying Jews may become cleared of, or liberated from mistakes to gain freedom to go to heaven.. Connotations of Jewish people being enslaved, or, trapped, today are mistaken from the gross mistake of torts by heretics, or anti-semites.

Cleaning up your presentation, act, or performance to capture your inner self, your “baby,” or perfect, geniune soul should be made by ordering less talk, less crime, and sickness. Filthy crimes hinder progress for us, sometimes comparable to the dirty underwear on the floor, the unmade bed, terrible activities of daily living, and other foul mouthed, ridiculing torts of blasphemy.

What insiders have popularized and motivated by the British monarch, Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton now as a “perfect” Mom in her global media message, seen on CBS TV network, which focused upon her striving for "perfection" for her family. In years of yester-year, with the oneset of the “Lone Ranger,” and Tonto, help and rescue showed the cowboy, as exceptional. phenemonal people to others on TV for role makers. "Superman," and, in pop culture exuded “super” powers, and of course, his alternative, a”Super-Woman, super woman slogans, and other show business magic. “ Spiderman,” conflicted.

Or, the Dalai Lama, reaching out with meditative prayers for Peace, and Tranquility throughout the World and Western Hemisphere. Zazen, does offer a more active method of mindfulness in zen, or, "walking meditation" by chanting during exercise from late Philip Kapleau, and other Swamis promoting Hatha Yoga, a breathing practice, or Kundalini for meditative panaceas.

In opinion, No, it does not pay to be a criminal if you have the terror hazards of getting tossed into a large sewer “snake,” getting multiplied, cloned, to be made outside one's pedigree,or, essence, and pushed to be thrown away, discarded for Life forever, but, maybe not according to High Court terms. You could lose an arm and leg, get beheaded, in some countries for actions. For the guilty shock treatments could be prescribed to cure all from crimes, and to get off of charges, to clear the record, etc. In neurology, and. neuro- synapses the patient redevelops again to achieve one’s maximum potential, or ability post-treatment.

Do you want to join the Program? Call the United Nations desk for more details and information about Ms. Majo Gentile, and, the current availability in the “team buildiing training."

“Does Crime Pay” had been a weekly segment in the Nineties, on NBC TV’s network television stations anchored by Ellen Katzen, which caught the eye of Dr. De Lise, to nowadays spun out the professional series of self-help dramatic Programs for everyone.

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© March 2017. E.J.K.

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