Sunday, June 17, 2012


Welcome here diplomats to correspond your "acknowledgments" for a masterpiece compilation consisting of a "media splash," with United Nations "stakeout," articles, and non-fiction books among the United Nations community and the World. "Acknowledgments," are defined as a major "Save The World" campaign to steer away atomic crimes, wrongful deaths, arson attacks, homicides, money laundry, Axis-of-evil hatreds, mass torts, or, the latest news concerns about hackings. Your proposals and milestones herewith should report new ideas, platforms, "1-2-3" theories, with "spice," for a better healthier, politically sane livestyle. Articles, opinions, prose, poetry, song, photographs, and reflections would be shared for readers in the City and the World to advise others of depleted Actuary Tables, while awaiting to get the okay from the publishers without further debauchery crimes.

Provocateurs, Ponzis, hoodlums, and indicters controlled Court summons, judicial pleas, mail property, phone services, and its sanctions against me, and even guaranteed "transparency" for suspects to have the liberty to conduct business on behalf of us. Role reversals in Rangel's District have scornfully obstructed American Dream politicians, experts, and owners, by their house arrests, in lieu of arson provocations in Philadelphia vicinity and other areas. The Ponzis took over capital venturists' expectations seeking wealth fulfillment, and stole millions of dollars of relief money and settlements intended for droves of individuals and commercial businesses now cornered in lean financial conditions, existing in such prolonged urban "gridlock" conditions. Local gunmen held-up droves of People to alleve constituent asset-based finances and accomplishments for Everyone in its socialized network at the local hearings room sometimes visited by the City, State, Federal and other officials. The white collar defense team developed a complicated "underground" to steal the wealth earned from the Labor of the community owners while residing in the area habitat. In effect the defendants socialized the property of the owners, pooled their monies, although many of the constituents never got paid for a long time.

Terrorism threats from 9/11 brought greater security awareness by community advocates, which increased arraignments by local hearing rooms officals. Many commercial business owners and constituents were excluded intentionally from meetings to give an advantage to the white collar defense. Severe grid-lock happened by financially excluding women, and minorities, which threatened their Economy, hindering jobs, careers and developing families.

The Militia, gun-equipped, obsessively addicted to only Amendment II, in rights, had threatened "experts" held up in their apartments, studios, and offices. Meanwhile, residents waited indefinitely for their feats in law, medicine, engineering, directing, publishing, Government, and other professions; however, payments, licenses, post-graduate degrees, or honors never got delivered. Potential ammunition, like machetes, firearms, rifles, poisonings, caught physicians and orderlies upholding detente conditions to allow the Judges' orders to rescind "dirty papers," "rifled," or "scornful" correspondence preventing settlements.

Dystopia, from vain, cruel, nihilistic agents on behalf of the Public tried to secure crime in life by working with the mass torters, to inherit the wealthy life. Global outsourcing financial assets to India, and elsewhere, by web developers, hurt treasuries, and the People's connections, which created a mess during detente talks to obtain the rights to their "results" again from City of New York and other agencies.

The "provocateur" or viglante agents have been enforcers of societies' rules and regulations by standards considered today impulsive, bipolar, if not anarchistic, revolutionary, "worthless," and socialistic. The arraignment list pending for electrifing treatments," had occurred as a deterrent to mass torts; consequently, "ex post factim," prevails for white crime defendants who took the liberty to take Justice, law and by their hands. Vigilantes put their dreams into action in their flesh, by taking charge, or acting out their wills in thoughtful scenes, now filled with arson-related actions, determined to take ownership by guns and force. For instance, ex post indictments caught suspect in the Etan Patz case this year, stemming from a 1979 homicide.

The Government by the People, for the People, and With the People — in its "Bill of Rights" refutely sanctioned deliveries, forbidding Constitutional values. The Governments' physics, assumed in the "Bill of Rights," such as, won by CBS Television Network celebrity host Montel Williams in 1990's allowed the connectivity to Montel Williams to get his mail property in his landmark human rights, civil rights case. However, dismal to the community of "experts," the economic sanctions forbidding mail, property, services today defamed owners by claims of Eminent domain or Indemnity clauses, yet ignoring charges by the experts like shoplifting, Siege, and rats at the Post Offices, sourcing centers, and banking centers. The actions in provocateur-keep, are considered socialistic, selfish due to the robberies of our "1-2-3" procurement Rights, while imposing massive house arrests.

"Acknowledgments," headlined by "cordial" platforms to safeguard our rights, are really significant methods of cognitive behavior therapy. Other methods of mindfulness, in working out thoughts, by chanting, or meditating focus on anger, and everyday behaviorial activities of daily living (A.D.L.) for "Help" halfway housed"clients" and transitional types. Risks to our property and livelihoods secretly allowed in mail room areas and Courts a few criminal, sickly, disabled and mentally ill to criminally participate, while ignoring owners their rights. Hinderances prevented gains due to danger in tactics like forensic deaths, amputations, beheadings, appendage cuttings in defense of the host country's Constitution, rights and its values.

Initially, philanthropist, Lew Rudin, a late High Court attorney and developer, in Manhattan, NY initially shared the mindfulness, dialectical thinking, in law motions of "acknowledgements" to me herewith, to to avoid further incarcerations, or commitments derived from legal processings to the various government to United Nations agency cases considered significant.

Judge Rudin would say, "Acknowledge, drop it, let it go,...., acknowledge, drop it," similar to a ballerina's choreographed routine in cognitive behavior and law motions. Sometimes intimidation from law filings were dangerously met by militia hoodlums, even at my Studio, in New York, and elsewhere, in the law processing to execute and effect the Constitutional will of the host country, the United Nations, the Global community, and in the United States of America. A decade ago law enforcement, news direction, correspondent work, or, even suggesting the motions for Government and news cases practiced 100 matters, in acknowledgement, but selected one to three acknowledgements for malpractice summation. Mr. Rudin stated earlier in the conference by "airport surveillance,"at my midtown apartment dwelling, "acknowledgements" protect oneself in law and order. A hundred or more acknowledgements flew into my mind for indictments, arraignments, and legal procedures, surrounding sweeping, mass torts, Nazi-war crimes, Holocaust, Genocide, hate crimes, discrimination crimes, intended for due process in Capital offenses. Selectivity allowed about a few choices in daily workouts for effective living to become reality by family and associates as our choices.

Complaints often are spielled with contempts, scorns and disobedience, about behaviorial idiosyncracies, and physical expressions in dialectical behaviorial therapy; however, if confronted by "voices," "ghosts," or "auditory hallucinations," "people must be guarded by our wits and others. Physical schizophrenia, psychotic behaviors,like acting out fantasies, and re-enacting retaliations derived from hate crimes could bring repercussions. Structuring the Oracle today in analytical theory, displayed even on computers, laptops, telephones, has been affectively impacted by insane cybercriminals mass torts, hacking to obstruct communications for ownership reasons. The "voices," cannot control oneself, only You are responsible for your actions. No one really should control oneself, when in command. Energy department directors cause an individuals to sense "altered states,"comparable to feeling psychiatric. The altered states, and psychotic developments have been recognized diagnostically mandating psychotropic medicines to stay clear of menacing signs like so-called "voices," out-of-mind sensations, and acting out dangerous roles.

Swiss author, psychiatrist, and founder of analytical psychology in the 1870's, Carl Gustav Jung, identified a similar analytical practice, in his renowned autobiography, "Memories, Dreams, Reflections," which even parables what dialectical cognitive thinkers today experience as "collective unconsciousness" and "consciousness." Sigmund Freud, authored in "Interpretation of Dreams," and the "Introduction to Psychoanalysis," also wrote about "collective unconsciousness," as thinking considered subconscious, irrational, or unsteady.

Today, most importantly, rational dialectical behaviorial "thinking" really has been actuated as rational, conscious, and thoughtful, from apparatus like "Airport,"skype, bluetooth, Request TV, I Phone, "blueswitch," Mindstream, audio activators, with surveillance capabilities similarly as what Jung, Freud, Wilhelm Reich in "Listening with the Third Ear," and others earlier analyzed as "the collective unconscious," or as "the collective conscious" as described "exclusively" by Professor C.G. Jung.

Yet, Aaron Beck,, really contributed in the Seventies in his psychoanalytical theories, in a series of books about "Cognitive Behavior Therapy," briefly, structured cognitive behvior therapy with an educational process for analysts. His educational process, led daughter, Dr. Judith Beck, at the University of Pennsylvania to profess and educate a new school of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) for seniors, and to include psychoanalytical methods, training, and education for practioners and students.

Acknowledgements, secured the way to be successful as a method of thinking legally, while reviewing daily the legal chore list bombarding one's brain for protection and security. However, Gail Organist, M.D. analyst, in guidance shared a self check-up about the "warning signs of mental illness." Now witnessses have seen criminal failures with warning signs, tunes, and behaviors considered violent to others, yet the Police linger here again.

Fire and ladder trucks, Limosines, brinks, EMS vans, , Police cars have appeared nearby the sidewalk doorways, yet again, while processing law faxes, or, filing papers. Acknowledgements, inclusive of forensic, procurement, or punitive actions, with orders for dangerous criminals in conduct, are important to journalists daily to control focus for the major media. The hundred or more ideas in a day, allows the thoughts to flow through one's ear; and, out the other ear, without hassles, or aggravation, have been an improvement, not "impairments" similar to bloodshed action fighters.

Professor, author, with post-graduate medical achievements from John Hopkins University, and the University of Pennsylvania, greatly influenced today's psychoanalysts to let it go, in a hassle-free life, by flowing through one ear and out the other ear, as taught by the Matthew Moore, M.D., Phd.

"Sticky" thoughts, described in "Blink," and "The Tipping Point," by Malcolm Gladwell, could be a precursor for medical advice. "Adelaide Bry, authored, "Making Movies of Your Mind," to exhibit behavior in movies and cognitive reality.

Waiting indefinitely for the resolution to happen, totally "spoofed" — would prompt others to take physical actions, not practice theoretical, or "dialectical" acknowledgements. But, instead to act out scenes as moving targets with colleagues in motion picture, government episodes on televised, digital surveillances, allegedly performing duties on behalf of the community "at large" like "capital killings" and "prompted deaths" to cease RICO, causing, impoverished conditions for industrious employers and hardshipped workers.

Acknowledgments with "robust" comments have poked sinister attentions to destroy, rip apart, or damage myself, my family, friends, and business. Outstanding libelous remarks in a slanted style of speech, the performing artist and provocateurs have undermined and devalued my achievements, for the sake of the provocateurs only to grab the "results," in the psycho-philosphy of lifestyles. No matter how successful, and belated, or, unforesaken the destiny have been for me herewith, its continuation of the side-commentors filled with wise-cracks with a message to uphold their truce for peace, in fact, while ignoring all facts, to maintain their phony intellectually "spoofed" reality comforted by lies, and perjuries. Therefore, how do we co-exist?

Note, the lawful acknowledgement method to take action in these workouts, groups, or thinking to oneself, as one's best friend, or, on "Bluetooth," " airport, " audio activator capable by surveillance, skype, or Qualcom Atheros," reduced the severity of commitments, asylum, prisons, or hospitalizations.

Renowned author and psychiatry Sal Menuchin, Ph.D. shared in "Psychotherapy Networking" the client or analyst should try to not "intrude" in the mind.

Further growth from meeting with New York analyst Dr. Finger suggested a permission to "hear a pin drop" to disband controversial thoughts.

Miron Baron, M.D. professor of Psychiatry, John Hopkins University stated a "Nest" could be nurtured for thoughts, mindfulness, and other soul travel developments.

Hitting the stone of Pegalis, and showing the strength of history from Hammurabi, Hitler, and Otto Adolf Eichmann, coyly demonstrated the punishment driven by High Court AFrican Judge Andy for the Tribunal bench in "recipe style" "Black book," forensic orders against targeted unwise, wild, crazy "Chief" wealthy folks, badgered women, young adults and our children, to seniors, experiencing electrifying mortician-like stopgap practices.

Experiences in "Tradescrets," my 1988 copyrighted motion picture treatment about the Longshoreman killing of John "Johnny Cokes" Lardiere and indictment of Michael Coppola, in April 16-30, 1977, after the mob-related John Gotti, WACO, and Charles Manson reports tragically prompted major homicides in the homefront, without any announced prosecution in hearings. Therefore fugitives paranoidly resided here on the loose for years and unleashed by the District Attorneys. Manford Hoffman fabricated as a script the "Tradescret" movie treatment with the approving attorney Mr. Shuster.

Masterpiece motion picture movie director, Mike Nichols, in "1001 Nights' neglected professional actors in original movies scenes at the set, instead Nichols hired impostors to gag fraudulently lives on set what he predicted as a mobster-like family, and prestigious gangster medical Doctor during the Seventies, starring the late, Jewish actor, hedge fund manager,and theatrical agent, Manford Hoffman. The Doctor's family depicted, in collusion with Mr. Nichols, Mrs. Jane, conniving, and later, endorsed by Mr. Dimon, holding tight Whitey Bolger's familiar daughter, and Mr. Steve, where they slanderized the family's wealth, the prestigious connections and their haute couture French alliances, the Padua medicine with his Royal Windsor aspects. Nichols, his family, with William Morris Agent, Mr. Ed Sommerfeld, and the acting troupe succeeded in "1001 Nights' to hoard the legacy of the Doctor's family justifying their attacks with scorn, in disobedience, and arsons. As a movie director, Nichols colluded with Manford Hoffman to get officials to boot away all persons with any professional expertise, theatrical training, lessons, experience, intellgience, fine arts, talent, and investment. Nichols continued to characterize in one of his final movie attempts to smear what insiders usually thought had been a righteous Doctor, and to discourage the late Chief's favor as refuted and mobster-like. Hateful scenes had been mused by actresses and actors for the Philadelphia revue to uphold feelings about how great they actually had been for everyone in their interpretation. What transpired terrified the neighborhood and friends of Philadelphia and its medical community.

The scars last year and the year before have taught us lessons of Life; however, the persons acting have been the persons scripted associated to inherit the asset-based finance, the Wealth, and Labor of the Real life person, whether dead or alive. Identity thefts performed by criminal actors, impostors, brought scandals to Courts and its media blitz for laughs, jesters, and news. Apparently "role reversals," where a shifting of Labor's values, Wealth fulfillment, dominated now by the superiority of criminals, in law actions became evident to those house arrested. Unfortunately, two-way communications never reached the businesses, owners, individuals, recipients, whom, never got paid for their sole deeds, actions, and rulings about their Estates and accomplishments. Results-driven computer hackers feigning to represent as Candidates be warned in the Government, by the People, for the People, and its Will should prevail. Hostile takeovers and objectionable ownerships, especially of this single woman, and other minorities have been fought by chauvinists, some men, gays, or women, commanding only their respect to grossly manipulate, rob, and control assets of owners. Pegalis, and its weights, must leverage, mediate, or balance the woes from conflicts between parties to get ahead with the settlements and properity for descendants and generations to come.

All Rights Reserved ©2010
By Ellen J. Katzen
Ellen J. Katzen Company Inc.
New York, NY

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